Like audio stereo systems that really brighten my day.
As a very tiny few of you know, my old stereo died. The amp literally exploded resulting in a nice puff of smoke followed by the dreaded 60Hz hum through my speakers.
RIP my original Technics SA-300, My dad bought it when it was new and it was used daily up until it's demise a few weeks ago.
She served me well, providing high-quality warm ultra-high definition sound through 4/2 channels for over 33 years.
You will be missed... for a while, anyhow.
Grief-stricken at the loss of one of my best pieces of audio equipment, I spent several weeks looking through countless thrift stores, bargain basements, yard and garage sales. Eventually, today, I found an adequate replacement- nothing will ever replace the SA-300, except for maybe an SA-450.
Behold my new replacement is a nice, slightly shiny, computer controlled Pioneer SX-6; yes, she's digital and yes, shes 10 years younger. but it's a decent system. Plus it's got thump protection, sparing my speakers a 300Watt hit every time the unit turns on -they'll thank me later. The sound is crisper and much more warm and developed, but I have noticed a slight loss in fidelity -as with any completely digi-integrated system.
Still, I'm very happy about the change. Music is a huge part of my life and now it's back.
that is all for now :P