Been forever since my last update. Thought I'd fix that.

Nov 10, 2009 21:10

Procrastinating --> LJ post that is probably going to end up being gigantic. Ah well. At least I'll finally be caught up and I can start getting better about making more smaller posts rather than fewer huge ones. Hopefully.

First, as always: TV.

Supernatural. Oh. My. God. You know how I thought "The End" was my fave SN ep of all time? I think "Changing Channels" beat it. Sososososo funny, and then they snuck in some amazing plot at the end, too! (And I still can't decide whether the Herpexia commercial or Knight Rider was funnier -- I couldn't stop laughing at the commercial, but that moment when it dawned on me what was going on re: KR... I just about died. Freaking WIN.)

And Supernatural was particularly impressive given how hard it managed to make me laugh within the first few mintues -- after "The Gift". Freaking FF; I kind of wanted to cry. That was so depressing and almost beautiful and so damn game-changing (ETA: Have some fic.). Gah. Writers. I freaking love you. You and the SN writers. I love you all.

Mentalist, after SN, sure had its work cut out for it. It was no contest, in comparison, but still very good even so. Jane is just awesome.

Speaking of awesome, the LotS premiere. HOLY. COW. Show, I love you too. Although at this rate they're going to kill off the entire Dragon Corps. Please to be not doing that, show, I love them. <3 Also, the ice thing was extremely clever; I wouldn't have thought of that, even with the foreshadowing. Finally: the end. DDD: Looking to be an angsty season. They better figure some way out of this mess that doesn't involve a new Seeker and/or shit happening. They just better. (Oh, and was it just me, or did they change something about the actress who plays Rachel? She seems different somehow. Idk. I could just be going nuts.)

Also, Numb3rs has been particularly awesome lately. "Dreamland" was absolutely fantastic -- I loved Floyd and his lulz to death. And the end was classic. Surprisingly, "Shadow Markets" was at least almost as good. I adored Augie, too. Hilarious, and he broke my heart a little at the end there, too. Good job, show.

FP's been angsty as usual. Dexter's been great. LTM and Castle have been similarly good (though I skipped them yesterday) -- but speaking of Castle, that Halloween ep. The Mal costume. "Didn't you wear that a few years ago?" I pretty much asploded from the lulz. EPIC. Truly epic.

The Forgotten was awkward last week; just as I'd processed the S rating, there was Tyler -- and I had complete strangers in the room with me. Awkward. Good, though, if even more depressing than usual. Too bad it's a shoo-in for cancellation, but I can enjoy it while it lasts.

White Collar is made of awesome -- I adore Neal Caffrey sfm. And speaking of USA, better late than never on this: the Psych finale was so fantastic. (Henry was awesome, and akward phone convo was the awkwardest thing ever.) I mean, sure, I love kidnapping plots just in general (me? writing one? why yes), and Psych's finales tend to be particularly great as a whole, but that one was just awesome.


I missed the signups for mini_nano by one day, but it's probably for the best. Instead, I'm still doing NaNo, but my goal is "work on NCT in some capacity every day". So far so good. I now have four versions of my notes which are 18.5 pages, just over 6 pages, almost 2.5 pages, and about 3/4 of a page and counting, respectively. But that's a good sign, since it means things are getting more coherent and specific and just generally helpful.

Also, while I'm talking about NCT: in the future, and likely retroactively as well, anything more specific than "It's going well, yay!" is going to be flocked to a new friends-group I'll be making shortly. Because, well, my RL friends and family read this, y'all. I had intended to make it opt-out rather than opt-in so my parents wouldn't hear about it, but I only have maybe two people (Taylor and benebu [ETA: and dime, my bad]) on my flist who I'd feel comfortable sticking in that group without asking, so this is me asking. More to come in a flocked entry, but if you want in that group (or, benebu, if I've overstepped and you want out) feel free to comment here and I'll add you (unless I know you IRL, in which case there are no guarantees, and in fact I'm more likely to say no. I can't think of anyone who'd ask, but it had to be said). You can, of course, always opt-out again after you've gotten the full info from the flocked post I'll be posting after I finish this one.

Which will be finished once I say two more things. The first: I got two shirts from ThinkGeek and they are awesome. I Never Finish Anyth, which I've wanted for years; and Enough Social Interaction, which is just plain hilarious. :D

The second thing: more links.
15 Supernatural Crossovers We Want to See
13 Scariest Episodes of Supernatural
Awesomest candidate for TX governor ever
Annoying Food Jingles
BuddyTV article/interview re: the end of FF's "The Gift" (spoilers)
TV Shows Most Likely to be Cancelled
Creepiest Children's TV Shows
'Being Human' to be Americanized (please don't!)

OK, all caught up. Until next time!

tv: supernatural, tv: forgotten, tv: numb3rs, tv: dexter, tv: white collar, nanowrimo, verse: never can tell, tv: castle, fanfic, tv: psych, tv: lie to me, tv: flash forward, tv: legend of the seeker, links, tv: mentalist, tv: flashpoint, tv

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