Last week was a good week for TV.

Apr 26, 2009 19:42


Man, all that Lightman-and-ex back-and-forth was awesome. But what's staying with me about this ep was how much the B plot broke my heart. God, poor guys. And I'm so glad the "Good"-Intentioned Bastard went to jail. I'm not sure I've ever wanted a TV character to get theirs so badly. Seriously, what an ass. How awful for the survivor, though; now he's got no one. :( Rough stuff, that ep. But great as always.


Damn good. Poor guilty!Charlie. That bit at the end, though, man. I thought he'd gone and been a Complete Idiot(TM), and then... *sigh of relief*. You got me, show. Well played. *claps*


Really really good this week. I was freaking out there for a couple moments, but all's well that ends well. I'm really glad no one got in trouble who didn't deserve it, too.

And man, that was some Redemption Equals Death they gave Donna. (Yeah, not a literal death, but Putting Her On A Bus is close enough, imo.) I thought it was really done well by the writers and definitely fit with all the characters believably. In short, I think it works, and I'm glad they chose that route, as it doesn't demonize Donna, yet brings Jules back into their nice happy SRU family. Hooray.

Although, this Sam/Jules "breakup" thing really needs to stop. My OTP! Why, show?!


Not bad, not bad. My thoughts:
1. I'm glad they eventually figured out #4 didn't commit suicide.
2. I was pretty pleasantly surprised #5.5 didn't bite it. Although I knew Character Who Must Not Be Named wasn't/isn't actually The Killer, I wasn't going to put it past him to off 5.5.
3. Finally, #6's death was really too good for him. Of course the skeeve gets the least violent death on the show. The Killer obviously isn't a big fan of karma. *sigh*
3.5. Speaking of, the way Skeeve was touching Unrequited Love Interest made my skin crawl. I wanted to punch him myself. So at least he's dead.
4. Oh, and I lol'd irl at the toast. Win. :)

tv: lie to me, tv: numb3rs, tv: harper's island, tv: flashpoint, tv

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