I had just decided to not do NaNo this year, when Neil Gaiman's blog showed up on my flist and someone in the comments had pimped
mini_nanowrimo. Which is pretty much what I did for Writo de Mayo, only in November. So I know I can totally do it again, and you bet I plan to. :D
Now to find myself a prompt table or two, because that's the only thing that kept me going back in May.
Also, I wrote another fic for
writing_game, and I've got another two or three in the works, seeing as it'll be open till Wednesday. Not crossposting the newest one here, since I'm too lazy, but go check it out there if you want.
In other news, Alicia/cluebat OTP. Yes, I know this takes getting used to or whatever, but really. There's "slipping" and then there's "not even trying", and I think having pretty much every other word out of your mouth be [girlname]/she/her/ma'am constitutes the latter, wouldn't you? *headdesk* Not to be unnecessarily hard on anyone (my parents accuse me of that a lot), but we were in a public place (the middle of the caf). That endangers my emotional well-being and possibly my safety. So ffs, get a clue.
Not to mention I'm getting better about not responding to that name anymore. In fact, just this afternoon I turned around when someone said "Joseph" because he mumbled it in such a way that it sounded like "Justin". *g*
ETA: Rage crossposted to tranny_rage:
Lipservice: You're doing "ally" wrong.