Look, an update.

Oct 21, 2008 23:41

1. Mailed in my absentee ballot yesterday.
2. And got my hair cut.
3. And got a new ID, in which I look ten years old and strangely round, but don't have long hair, so it was so worth the $15.
4. Actually managed to finish most of the homework that was due today.
5. My intro post on yalitlovers. There be book recs and the pros and cons of Robert Cormier. :)
6. I just did laundry on Sunday, and I had to go do more laundry today because I forgot to wash my binder and my work clothes. Stupid me. And then I went and forgot to not put the binder in the dryer. *facepalm* At least it was the old one.
7. Working on SN futurefic for writing_game. With any luck, I'll have it done before the board closes.
8. Looking forward to GLBTF tomorrow. Hopefully Kali will be reminded to hook me up with that info she promised.

binder, t, hair, fanfic, links, college, vote

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