I did it. So far, I've gotten comments from seven people who didn't already know, and every single one of them has been positive.
And I changed my name on Facebook after I posted the note, which took -- instead of the 24 hours they'd said it would -- about 10 seconds. So you can go friend me now if you want. :D
Finally, completely off-topic: I should be doing homework, but I honestly can't stop watching
this fanvid. (There's a dl link
here if you need to have it, too.) Spoilers for SN 4x03, "In the Beginning".
*drags self away to the Logic homework and puts the vid on repeat in the background*
ETA (8:26): Or not. But at least I'm doing laundry, right? Also, Tracy's friend Mike commented that it explained a lot, and when I asked what he meant, sent me this message:
"it's weird how things happen, last year i started to fall for you...every girl/woman...w/e...has either ended up being bi or transgendered. it's kinda funny to me i guess. i kinda figured things were gonna work out like this that's why i didn't persue it...you just didn't ever look like you were all that comfortable in your own skin, if that makes sense."
Called that one, didn't he? Life sure is funny sometimes.