Just finished watching "Donovan Doe" (1x15), which is almost certainly Forgotten's series finale. And...
oh my god. Show. Thank you for the closure, but... I hurt. Oh god, I hurt. I am emotionally distraught right now. That was a rollercoaster of an ep. I mean, I knew the bones weren't going to be Lucy's (just like it wasn't Mick's grandkid in "What's Left Behind") -- that sort of plotline just never plays out like they want you to expect.
But Jesus H Christ, the plotline that did play out? *deep breaths* Especially after that breakdown moment he had? And then we find out she's actually still alive? (Gotta say, too: I actually felt real fear just before that reveal, wondering what they were going to find.) Damn, Show. I. I don't even know what to say. Except: "I nearly cried. Several times. But thank you. Thank you so, so much for this episode, writers." Just... freaking incredible.
And that look of relief he got when he found out they weren't Lucy's bones was just-- I broke for him, oh my god (and I love Christian Slater ten times more). Also, the hugging bit at the end was touching (no pun intended), after how much was made of it previously. D'awww.
And the whole thing reminded me of the series finale of The Evidence, which I almost hate to call a series finale when it really was more of a cliffhanger that happened to end the series. I wish we'd had some closure with his wife, too. Definitely makes me even more grateful for how Forgotten pulled this one off.
Now back to recovering. Cause, god, that was something else.