Yet another fandom post, before I buckle down and do some homework.

Jan 27, 2010 17:19

First: Guys, seriously. Please. I could really use help on this. Anyone! You don't even have to know the fandom. Just... bunnies, please. *puppy dog eyes* I don't want it to die.

Second: Where was the H/C last night, HT? Airborne poison and 30 minutes to live. We got to see a minor character's heart stop. And when Chance finally so much as collapses? The antidote. You guys! Way to be. *disappointed fan is sorely disappointed and pondering the merits of writing an AU on the subject* Besides that, though, much less insane than last week's. And awesome, besides. Enjoyed the minor character; hope she comes back.

Third: Stay awesome, WC. Particularly Elizabeth. Elizabeth was great. <3 And that moment with everyone helping out Peter? D'awwww, the WAFF almost killed me dead. Plus there were so many lulz! But the whole ep kind of got overshadowed by how Made of Pure Awesome next week's looks. That looks like they ought to be giving us some H/C. Do want, show. Don't you tease us, too.

Fourth: Zera's writing me my Christmas present, and I am super excited about like you don't even know. :D It's BN,
FTM!Nate, and I think she could use luck/encouragement, so I'll happily pass along any of that that you want to share. ;)

tv: white collar, fanfic, tv: human target, tv

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