Sep 09, 2005 14:04
NOW is the moment! NOW is the time!
Tsunami’s? Earthquakes that register at 10.5? Thousands of people dying from hunger and thirst?
This only happens in parts of the world like Thailand, Africa and India, right???
Guess again. Who knew the wealthiest country would be hit with a natural disaster that literally submerged an entire city? We’ve all seen the pictures, watched the news and read the stories, but what GOOD does that do? It’s just depressing! Hey, I’ve got a good question… WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? Well, what is Jesus best known for? Jesus gives us hope and shows us He loves us, right? So let’s be …
There is a camp run by Fr. Tony Ricard, who lost his entire parish and home. Fr. Tony has asked that we send packages and money to help the people that he’s been able to help save from the horrible scene in New Orleans. He’s helping almost 200 people.
As a Christian community, let us serve! St. Bernard’s youth ministry be hosting a clothes, food, shoe, blanket, toiletry, and money drive. If you’re interested in donating any of these items, you want to help put the care packages together, please call Raquel at (562) 881-7614. Thank you and God bless!
Times for donation drop off
Sept. 8th , 13th, 15th ~ 7pm- 9pm
Sept. 11th ~ 11am-1pm
Sept. 17th ~ 10am-5pm
:: we have already started but yall can do wat you can plz jus let me know.. anyting you can give it would help yall can give me a call.... if you want peggy::562-889-4461:: ok God Bless