Mar 09, 2005 00:59
Okay so I was talking to Pongo last night about the stuff going on. He said something to me that has helped. Something he got in an email after Parents Weekend Plebe Summer: "If God got you to it, he'll get you through it." Thats really helped...
We then went into a psuedo deep conversation about our roles in life and reasons for where we are now. There's him who has had a good number of troubles at the beginning of his time here and me that has always kind of struggled kind of due to my own motivation but we both feel like we were put here for a reason. It looks like my time here is coming to an end though, that whatever higher purpose I had in being here is complete, whatever job I was supposed to do or that I have found what I was supposed to in my time here and its now time for me to move one taking that with me. Its a very peaceful thought in a way. The thought of being separated which would scare a lot of people is not frightening to me. It won't be easy but I think that I will learn something from it. I know I have learned a lot here. Maybe not everything that I was supposed to in order to be the best Naval leader that I can be but now I am questioning if that was what I was supposed to do. I know that I have learned a lot here. I know who I am as a person and the man that I want to be. I know where I want my life to head and I know that I can say that serving in the military is not that although I would if thats what happens but its not the endstate to my existance.
The fortunate thing is that I know that I have made an impact in a lot of peoples lives. And that the people here have made a huge impact on mine. Two people in particular that I would never trade having in my life for the world: my best friend and the girl I have fallen in love with.