Yoinked from
big_ragu http://www.xeromag.com/fun/personality.html ISTJ: The Thought Police
are characterized by loyalty, duty, and civic responsibility. As an
ISTJ, you have a natural understanding of the value of civil harmony
and order, and a deep-seated dislike of non-conformity, anarchy, and
an ISTJ, work is very important to a sense of self-satisfaction.
Happiness comes most easily for you when you have a job that allows you
to express your ethic. Whether it's blasting traitorous rebel scum as a
proud Imperial Stormtrooper or monitoring the population's cerebral
implants searching for evidence of unauthorized thought patterns as one
of the Thought Police, you're most satisfied when you are crushing the
population beneath the iron boot heel of oppression on behalf of your
ISTJs approach leisure with the same dedication they bring to spreading
tyrrany and oppression. Common ISTJ pasttimes include cleaning their
rifles, improving their marksmanship, betting on political dissidents
in the Gladiator Arena, and macrame.
ISTJs are capable of stong emotional connections, bonding closely with
the other ISTJs in their unit, platoon, or sector.
Famous ISTJs include TK-421, Torquemada, and Yuri Andropov.