tell-tale unmedicated outlaw refugee journalist mumbles something in the distance

May 22, 2011 00:44

It's really bad when you can't remember the opening line that inspired me to come back to writing while enjoying my favorite of all time Music Video - Rock Show Blink 182.

My A.D.D. meds which clearly are labled, don't suddenly stop taking, I've been calling my former Georgia life's crash & burn's doctor's office for my medical records - which is one of the stated requirements to get in hand before I can get an appointment in my hometown in SC for a $120 appointment to get my prescript for my ADD meds that I'll have to ask my mom to cover the visit & the - anyway some cat and mouse whoo ha, back and forth for 2 weeks before I ran out, and here I sit, Random Robinson the 2nd, oh, what was my point? Why am I here? I had some important thought, but again, that ship jump ship & then grew wings & sailed. ADDDDDDD oh, my! that's shiney, have you seen my keys? By God, that's the moon light, what do you think will, what's that dog doing? D.D.D.D.

suddenly mentally sputtering unmedicated

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