Oct 24, 2003 19:12
I hope you're sitting down everyone.
Yes, I have in fact gone Vegetarian
I know this is going to be hard for some of you to believe, in fact, a month or so ago I wouldn't have believed it either, but its true. I guess all that information gleaned from working at a health food store is starting to show.
I've also been reading a book, it's an old one-Diet for a Small Planet, that has really opened my eyes to a lot of things. Things that I'm sure one americorps teammate or another tried to tell me but I ignored it and ate another burger. Let's just say what I've read about the studies linking diets high in meats to, well, many health risks such as heart disease and cancer is hard to deny. Plus learning about the meat industry, and the food industry in whole, the waste, the hormones and additives, its just all too much for me.
So a little over a week ago I made the decision to become a vegetarian. Its going well, it hasn't been hard at all. I don't even see it as limiting myself, because honestly, I don't even want it. I feel healthier, because I'm eating much healthier around the board. Lots of fruits and veggies are taking the place of that meat, soy or rice milk in the cereal, organic milk if I'm drinking it straight out of the glass.
So thats that... its really opening up a lot of food options I never would have thought of before, like that mushroom enchilada, and the veggie soup we made for dinner the other night. Any vegetarians out there have any starter tips for me? Becca, I know you are, anybody else?
Well, wish me luck with this new venture.
In other news, I totally just got my plans fucked. I was going to meet a "friend" at Heroe's tonight and get some food, then watch the band that was gonna be playing. Of course Ron works there, so we could all go do something else when he got off work. But friend calls and says "Hey, I can't go to the bar tonight, I'm seeing a movie with another friend." HELLO! HE called ME yesterday to see if I wanted to do something. I love being the one to turn to until something better comes along. Fuck yall. So now I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I fucking hate going out and sitting somewhere by myself... Fuck.