Insane...I need someone older's god..

Jun 10, 2007 18:54

I went to
jaeho_yongwonhi today, tracking back to the early days of 2005..and found really old Fics that aren't archived in ..I found something really good, but at the same time, came across something that I believe had killed what's left of innocence in me...

A really old fic...and my gosh, someone with more experience in love..and..and..and "that thing" tell me..or at least someone older than me, 17 years old..Do people really do that in real life?

I god..I truly thought things..things god..bondage and heavy sadistic actions only exist in porn/heavily restricted yaoi...I mean, I saw manga pictures of those, and I thought those were just made-up..But..this is too much disturbance..

Here's the fic that I read...I gave up somewhere near the end..someone tell me, is this true? I'm not really 17 until this December.. but I started reading shounen-ai, then moved on to yaoi last summer, I thought I've come to the limit, but then...

I'm not scared, but I'm confused..seems like I lost any purity that left...And..heh, I've never dated or kissed anyone in my life.

I don't know, this is true? Am I considered dirty then....? I don't know, if anyone knows about god..I can't let my friends/parents know about this! What if they know? What would happen? I'm in Vietnam, an Asian country no less. Does anyone feel the same?

I really should started studying now...Next year I'm senior, senior in Vietnam without fleeing abroad = completely dead.
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