Jan 19, 2010 09:04
Been mostly just working and going 'neh' to real work around the house :X but I have been working on some SCA-related work with Portia, so that makes it better!
Work has been fairly steady with calls on stupid installation issues. Most of the time I can't actually SOLVE the problem, because even Intuit doesn't have it fixed yet. Grrrrr.....
But fear not! We still have other ways for you to get your taxes done! *snerks*
As I bash my job, I realize how lucky I am to have it.
Thinking about taking a notebook or something to work, just so I can doodle while waiting for calls...but we've been so busy it doesn't seem worth it at the same time. Go figure huh? If anything I'll bring it along to see what the call flow is like... also helps to have something to jot down notes right?
Ok, have to finish putting my "game face" on, and get ready to help people!