Jul 05, 2005 20:14
It's been a while since I posted a journal up here, but that was mostly due to me being lazy. The phrase "I will do it this weekend", kept popping in my head. As for really posting up here, I mean really it is pointless... as I don't expect to many people to read this and not that care then either.....; but I guess I do it to say that I am here and that I was alive. Cause you know I would rather be dead then be here living. Still it is a cry in this little place for me to say that I was here and I was somebody, even if I was just another face in the crowd.
Last week had been quite amusing with my escaping the massive amount of duties that I thought were honestly pointless. I swear my First Sergeant doesn't even have a brain and has proven it to me time and time again. He should be happy this weren't Vietnam, his ass would definately be fragged; though I am not the one who would do it. I got better things to do then waste my energy on garbage. Plus I perfer to watch people suffer and kill themselves, much more fun.... though sadistic. Nevertheless, the man has earned the rancor of most every one in the company. He has been broken since he joined 2-22 INF and I don't see how he is still the army. I swear he can't lead by example and he doesn't look out for his men. Just trying to make his Sergeant Major it looks like and has no cares for his men, which has been reflected back in the aspect, that none of his men care what happens to him. No one has respect for the man and I for one will doubt he will ever earn mine. His gene pool should have a nice adding of bleach to it. Anyway, he tasked out 2nd and 3rd platoon with tons of Company Quarters or CQ for short. Basically 2 guys got to stay up for 24 hours and then have a day off the next day. The problem is, is that we got a whole bunch of new guys and with my platoon having 4 CQ shifts... not to mention that we have to offer some guys to a detail that lasted a month; we couldn't train our new guys. Plus it was a 5 day weekend that day and I got a pass so I could bounce out of there before being selected to do some stupid ass detail.
So on River Day, I bounced down to Grand Island and spent most the time with my brother Paul. That was just lots of fun as we watched anime, movies, Kim Possible, and Daria while playing World of Warcraft or what ever we felt like. Saturday we headed to Syracuse cause Paul's band 'Right on Red' was playing somewhere and I tagged along to see Paul perform. I have to say that Right on Red is a fucking awesome band and I look forward to having a cd. Plus, it honestly made me wish i knew how to play an instrument. Oh well, I am not dead yet and so there is still time I suppose. Got back to GI, nothing is more fun then flying down I-90 going between 70 and 100 at night. I also have to say, CRUISE CONTROL rocks ass!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was nice not having to regulate my speed with my foot. Oh yeah, Paul's car is fucking smooth, it is a smooth ride going 70 and what not. Sunday was humorous especially when we hit China Moon Buffet.... yeah yeah I know that is is Moon Chinese Buffet, but I don't give a damn and plus it is habit to cooler to call it China Moon. Anyway, went there and ate lunch/dinner/breakfast... well the last one was more for me then Paul. Anyway, got about time to open our fortune cookies and well pauls' was humorous, though not it the perverted way like some would believe. I can't really say it was a fortune as it was a statement. But here is a re-cap of Pauls reaction.
Fortune Cookie: "You are not illiterate."
Pauls Reaction: Fuck you Forune Cookie Companys.
That was the most humorous fortune I ever read. Mine was sterotypical bland. "Your life will be filled with happiness...." and all that crap. Honestly i wouldn't have mind reading one that would say "Your life is going to end in 5 minutes." That would be an awesome fortune cookie and a hilarious reaction for those who actually take it seriously.
To end that weekend, Adam got back from his geological dig in Utah. Adam further proved my thought of Utah was right, in that there is really nothing to see there; just his description had a few more words and such added to it. Anyway, we all headed to Justin's house and had a lan party, the people who attended was Tim, Paul, Adam, Brandon, Rick, myself, 3 girls, and of course Justin. We sat around played some WoW and got our asses handed to us in Maraudon, still have yet to beat that fucking place. Oh well. Then Adam was having problems with his labtop and so Brandon couldn't play WoW, much less play Battlefield Vietnam. I feel bad for ditching them to play BattleField 2 with Justin, Tim, and Rick. Hopefully, Adam will get it and we all can play. Paul already had a copy and wanted to play Vietnam, I think to give Adam company... something I tend to do. Next morning dropped the rest of the guys back to their house and departed on my way home late. I got a call saying there was a detail needed and that was all I needed to hear, in order to tell the guys in Drum I was not going to be back till late.
The weekend had come to an end and I was dismayed, I love staying there with my friends, but alas work calls and something about being a soldier 24/7. Bah!!! Anyway, the work week was short.... I guess. Tuesday do nothing... I think I tested my pro-mask. Wednesday had to act as senior ranking guy from the mounted section in my platoon, more gayness with guys being tasked to every where. Thrusday, Battalion Run... I constanty wished someone would have shot me, but that only happens in movies. such a slow pace, but so over-heated. Damn near collapsed... of course I learned afterwards that Red Bull Dehydrates you... guess I shouldn't have been drinking that that night. ::shrugs:: Fuck it, just reminds me of that time I was sick and went to school and so I took Ny-quill. Was passing out all day that day. Friday, say yay for PayDay activities, meaning get dressed in class A's and sweat as people look at your uniform. It was good to know that my uniform was good, even though I hadn't taken it to get pressed, much less moved anything on it. Last time I had worn the damn thing was like in December. ::Shrugs::
Oh yeah, Wednesday I had gotten an IM from Andy Parrin, that was cool. One of my buddies from Pasadena and what he told me, shocked the hell out of me. Apparently, one of my brothers; Chris Bente was to be getting married and that one of my friends, Dan; was setting up a small little party. So Friday, I jetted asap and drove all the way down to good ole Maryland. God that ride was hella long. It was quite interesting to see 5 groups of 3 state troopers, each with a person they pulled over between Ft. Drum and Syracuse; after that I didn't see a state trooper till I was like in MD. PA, on Penn whatever cause I can't remember how to spell the damn state, was a fucking bore to drive through. Though it was interesting to see vegetation and lush forests. For a moment I had almost wanted to go hiking in it, then the thoughts of the military and field problems came to mind and I shuddered for a long time. Eventually I made it to Md adn then proceeded to get lost because for some reason my mind was thinking I-95 and the paper read I-97. It was amusing to end up in the Inner Harbor of Baltimore and right next to Camden Yards. What wasn't cool was the fact that an Orioles game was about to start and so traffic was a bitch and I almost got lost in Baltimore.... plus damn near collided into a fucking ambulance. Luckily, I made it out and ended up in Glen Burnie. It's nice to be back in familiar territory. Glen Burnie is all situated on one road and thank goodness for me. Kinda worried I was gonna end up in the suburbs or some shit. Anyway, it was intersting to see how time had changed the place. Some stores were closed and yet some were still in business, I spent most of the drive while heading to Marley station Mall pin-pointing different land marks from memory.
Well, the party was held at a place called Happy Times Grill, the place had a nice crab sandwhich and their cheese fries were most good. Unfortunately, not all of the friends could make it, most out of laziness, but I was able to see Dan and Jacob. Dan was Rob's little brother and damn he grew. Plus he had a fiancee, sheesh. Oh yeah and Jacob had a kid and wife. Then freaking Chris was getting married. It seemed all my friends in Pasadena were getting fucking married. I felt out of place, like I was supposed to say, "Yeah I am married again. Yep been divorced twice now, but I think I got me a keeper this time." It was great conversing with those guys, it had been so long. I was glad to have been there for Chris, I am sure it meant a lot to him... even though he doesn't show emotions that well. Still I am sure he was glad to have me there, of course I was happy to be there. The man saved my life many of times and prevented me from killing myself. I was just dismayed there was no way I coud attend his wedding in Oregon. Apparently he met his wife on-line through Dan. Internet, who knew. I wish him the best of luck and if he should ever need anything. I shall be here should he ever need me. Kill a man, sure. Need money, no prob. For family, I will offer my life.
After that little party, I headed to my Father's friends bar, cause A) my dad use to DJ there, B) his friends son, is one of my brothers, and C) my mom is good friends with his wife. Anyway, I popped in and shocked the hell out of him. Mr. Mason or Mace to friends or what he wants me to call him; he had to take a double take due to the fact the last time he saw me was right after my dad passed away. It was great seeing him and I felt really honored that he had a picture of my father upon on the wall. It has been the first in a long time that I wanted to cry,..... seeing the man I respected so much and cared for so deeply. Yet, he was only a black and white picture. My heart cried, while I tried my hardest to shield my pain with a face of ice. Nostalgic was pain. I remembered so much while I was there and not all of it happy and warm feelings. A lot of painful memories. Anyway, I took a shot of Tequila with Mr. Mason to honor my father and I am sure my father was there taking a shot with us or at least watching us. Mr. Mason called Chris up and told him I was here. When Chris did finally arrive, I was freaking tired. So we went to his house where I crashed on his couch and Chris decided to take off with his friends. Not to be to confusing, but I got two friends name Chris in Maryland who I consider brothers; Chris Bente and Chris Mason. I can honsestly say that Chris M. never had the best head on his shoulders. Hanging out with the wrong crowd, I use to act like his voice of reason, but with me gone most the time.... well he has done a lot of stupid shit. Chris has a bad problem of choosing friends, though I guess he has gotten a few good ones as ot late. Still, he was trying to impress people he shouldn't be. He needs to learn to be himself. Anyway, that is his life and I shouldn't really comment since I just wish to end mine. Though I wish Chris had spent more time with me, but I guess that is to be expected since I did arrive un-announced.
I chilled at the Mason house for a day and played with Chris's brother Derek. Poor kid has Cerebral Palsy. His legs looks like a frog and at best he can hop, plus his speech is slurred and he is really hyper. Even though Derek has a lot of problems, I have nothing but respect in admiration for the guy. This guy has been busting his ass off to try to walk and I guess now he can stand un-assisted for 5 minutes. Plus Derek is a tome of knowledge when it comes to sports... mostly Football, Baseball, and Basketball. This kid can tell you stats on any of the Orioles and call off the roster of most teams. His retention for that information is amazing. Despite his handicaps he tries his hardest and admire him for that. I was happy to spend time with him, as he is often lonely due to his family working. So i am sure he was glad to have me around and keep him company.
While there, at the Mason's house I had really wanted to see someone. Her name is Crystal Hempill and I had a crush on her a long time ago. She was extremely attractive and funny. Yet, I was an idiot at the time and I could never tell her my feelings to her face. I was hoping to see her and finally break the barriers I had set up. I realize I can no longer be hurt if a woman says no. Why should I care, it's only love. It's not as powerful as hate or at least that is what I tell myself. Anyway, I had really wishes to see her... even if she did have a kid. I had really wanted to see her again. So many demons I had never killed and I figured, I could kill some while I was down there. I mean, I am not as scared as I was back then. Re-piecing my heart has left me stronger in some ways, just not to when it breaks apart. It would be easier to compare it to... hmmmm. Well, like piecing a vase back together and someone coming along and breaking again. Do you really care if you re-piece it back together if again you come close to fixing it and someone else comes by and shatters it. My heart is much like the vase. Why should I put it back together? People can't damage something that is already broken. Stupid love, anyway enough of this crap.
The last day there, I headed back to Pasadena and drove around Deerfield, god that brought back memories. It was like wave after wave. The cool part was when I got to speak to Mr. Bente; Chris's dad and he told me that my other brother was still living here and that one of my other friends was still in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, Billy Gibson wasn't home... or rather wasn't going to wake up from his deep slumber. Luckily though I was able to get a hold of Dustin Leight. That was freaking awesome to see him again. Man, he hasn't changed... save for facical hair and the several tattoos. I gotta admit he is one lucky bastard. That guy has a house to himself and spends no money on it at all. His parents are quite wealthy and they live on a $400,000 boat and gave the house to him. So he lives alone and works making guitars. Plus on the side he is in a band. I guess his band is opening up for Jimmy's Chicken Shack, that must be awesome. I love the song they did called "Blood". I had his phone number and his e-mail address, but now lost it somewhere. My stupidity angers me quite often.
Sunday afternoon, made it home and then chilled at Adam's house. We blew up some fire crackers for a while till, I headed over to Paul's and played over there on the net wtih him. Unfortunately, that morning I got sick or at least started to feel that way. July 4th great day to get sick. Went over to Adam's for his bonfire and party. That was great even though I got ill. As Justin put it, therapy; since I burned every letter Julia sent me from over the two years we were together. It was a great feeling watching all those memories of love burn up. Like the phoenix I had just started anew from the ashes of destructions. Well, I am never gonna make that mistake again. Love is just one big mistake and heart break waiting to happen. It was a glorious night and for me that was the highligt of it. Though the others were watching Adam and Justin, playing with flaming Tennis balls or the foam football that they lit on fire and kicked around the backyard of Adam's. Amusing to say the least. Tim and Ben joined for that. I spent that night, between playing with my bokken and playin on my computer. Got me a new Dating Sim game or rather games. Season of the Sakura despite it's 16 bit graphics was fun. There are like 10 girls you can choose between and honestly made me wish my life was like that game. Oh well, it's not and my life still sucks. Oh yeah, interestly i was a 8.4 on Hot or Not. How that happened, good question as I have been trying to figure that out. I guess Black is the guys Pink. ::Shrugs::
Well, i lie here in bed sick and i wish that I didn't have to wake up tomorrow or the days after either. Though, if that doesn't happen, I hope I get better so that I can be in tip top shape.... or at least close enough to it. Dont think my body has ever been in the shape that it could be in. Oh well. Anyway, that is what happened for the past 2 weeks..... more or less.
Peace and Aluve' to any who actually read this........besides myself.
"When everything feels like the movies. Yeah you bleed just to know that you are alive" verse from 'Iris' by the Goo Goo Dolls.