Apr 23, 2005 09:28
Well, I proved that wrong, two days ago (I wish I could get onto the net to update this, but the net at KMTC was down) I had pass my PT test with better scores than my diagnostic test. 50 push ups in two minutes, 53 sit ups in two minutes and the 2 mile run in 16:10. Sounds like it's not so good? Well try running up here under the worst conditions, heat, dust, vehicle traffic, mile up high from sea level, and worst of all diesel generator exhuast. I wish puking and gagging all thru the second mile, luckily I have done the first in 7 mins and I had 9 minutes of hell thru the second mile. And after I had finished, I was puking up everything in my stomach, which I didn't eat breakfast yet, I just had drunk water, and some weird unidentifiable stuff was in the mixture. I dislike the human body....
Ah well, the heat is turning heat and our enemies are getting more activate. More of that later... most likely I'll talk about it when I get home, but I'm getting abit worried...
Until next time I can access the net, sign off for now