Can spell lost without LT

Apr 18, 2005 18:06

Lol, more about that soon enough.

I'm back at Camp Phoenix, Afghanistan. And I have to report that my leave was half bad, half good.
First the bad. I arrive on Friday feeling great, Saturday and Sunday went awesomely. But at the end of Monday my throat began to get real sore and irritating. And was the start of the sickness... Tuesday began okay but the soreness came earlier and more painful and it was really difficult to shallow anything. And slowly it became worst and I started to feel other symptoms. Which had made that week really crummy and difficult to enjoy my time home, by Saturday, I had totally lost my voice and ruining a plan event with my friends. But by Tuesday of the next week, I had fully recovered and I was able to fully enjoy the rest of my weekend.
More bad news, or at least to me, I wasn't able to visit everywhere that I wanted to or talk to everyone that I wanted to. Could have guessed that right? More importantly I wasn't able to do any research on the addresses of two on my nearby supporters so I could have called and thanked them. Then I forgot my laundry bag at home and I had to wear my DCUs for four days while I travel home. BTW: Camp Doha, Kuwait totally sucks. It's run down, dirty, and horrible. And I hear it may be closing soon. Go fig, too bad I was stuck there for two days going home...
Good News
Visiting with almost all of my family and friends, eating alot, awhole lot. Being doctored by my Grandmother, riding around the farm on a 4-wheeler and shooting rifles with my brother.
And many over stuff. But I gotta keep this short.

Anyways, the trip back the Afghanistan was an uneventful trip, except for coming back to Phoenix from Bagrum, we were piling up in our trucks and vans (that's right, no HumVees...), and a Lieutenant that I had been chatting with all morning came to our van (I mean that there were other soldiers in the van too) and asked if we were waiting on him and a fellow soldier said, "We couldn't spell lost without LT!" Excellent joke, but I guess you'd have to know about the troubles with Lieutenants getting platoons lost. Ah well.
Back at home I was welcomed with alot of bs work, although many soldiers did seem to appreciate me being back, and Lieutenant Doane basically welcomed me with open arms. But alot of things are different, new buildings, more construction, new soldiers, more bs. Ah well. There were a TCP (Traffic Control Point) that we had done on the main road from Kabul to the mountains and I can't wait to get my hands on some pictures to post up about that trip. It was really fun and thrilling to work with the ANA soldiers. There were a bunch of reporters there... but they were all from Indy so that wasn't too cool. Ah well, more about that trip when I can get the pics.
Well, other than that, it's pretty much the thing old stuff going on.
Ah, except for the 240 Bravo. I had to give up my SAW (Boo hoo) and get my old M-4 back, but the current care taker of the weapon had given me the weapon and the paperwork so I could sign it back onto my name but after checking the weapon, I had refused. Why? Cause there was rust on the weapon and on the firing bolt. That is bad... like really really a bad thing. However, being forced to clean it all up properly, I'll accept the weapon probably tomorrow.
Well, that's about it
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