So, Vidukon! I had a lovely time - spent my morning on Friday writing in Starbucks at Paddington; headed westwards in a train carriage with two hen parties and nine fangirls, it was great - and we got to Cardiff with far less incident than last year; Cardiff itself is lovely, it has bilingual signage and smells like the sea, which is all I ask from of a place; and we piled off the London train and ran straight into
fray_adjacent, which was super. Vidukon is a lovely little con - emphasis on the little; I think I knew almost everyone at least by sight, or through having met them last year - and the atmosphere was way more collegiate than some other cons I've been to.
I didn't go to everything, but I went to most things. Some brief notes:
-My favourite vidshows were the Pride vidshow (because, once again, Vidukon is the same weekend as Pride); the Same Song, Different Source vidshow (because, wow, I am kind of vid-illiterate, but a show like that really helps - it helped me draw out parallels and interesting themes where maybe I wouldn't've been able to otherwise) and Constructed Realities, which was probably the most fun vidshow. My suggestion for that show was "Closer", and it was fun seeing that on the big screen; also one vid of mine appeared, "we were born in a summer storm", which was also nice to see; but my favourite favourite favourite times eleventy million thing about that vidshow was "
Papa Don't Preach", in which Jack Harkness is keeping his baby. I'm so happy about that vid. So, so happy.
-So, having only begun vidding as a result of last year's Vidukon, it was a major kick and blessing for me to see my vids on screen! As above I had one in the constructed realities show, and "
Landsailor" of course appeared in the
Aims Vid Project show. I very much enjoyed being part of that project, especially as such a new vidder - "Landsailor" was the third vid I made - and getting to see them all on the screen one after another was part of the whole community building thing I think is so important in fandom generally. It was great. I also got to see "
Unsteady Ground", the vid I learned how to vid to make, on the screen in the Vidders' Choice show, and that was amazing: I mean, really, really amazing. Even a year's worth of experience makes me think I'd do it slightly differently now, but nevertheless, that was the vid of my heart and it was so so nice to see people's reactions to it in real time. Aaaah.
-And, finally. Premieres. I didn't have a premiere myself - I thought until the last minute I was going to make a Queen Arachnia vid for the lulz, but it never worked out - but I knew
cosmic_llin had one and I'd been hearing static about that vid since April. It's a vid, they all told me, very obliquely, that is relevant to your interests.
silly_cleo wanted to sit next to me for it. It was all very intriguing.
The vid is "
Long Live" (by
cosmic_llin), no content notes, all of Star Trek. Long live the magic we made.
Go watch it. I'll still be here when you get back.
I think that it was out of consideration for my feelings that
such_heights put it at the end of the show? When the lights came up I couldn't talk for a while. I just can't.
Actually, cribbing mostly from the comment I finally got myself to write on it (after the broken-hearted keening was over, natch),
this is why I like it. It's the way Llin gets to the key sentiment expressed in the song, we will be remembered. Star Trek has that beautiful, brain-expanding dichotomy of being a history of the future, and yet, part of our own history: we have plaques in our world commemorating the little towns James T. Kirk and Montgomery Scott will be born in; we have that famous detail about Nichelle Nichols being asked to carry on as Uhura by Martin Luther King Jnr; we have iPads and 3D printers because of inventors who grew up on Star Trek; we have the space shuttle Enterprise, named after the Enterprise-D, and the Enterprise NX-01, named after the space shuttle Enterprise. That's my favourite thing about Star Trek, and that's what this vid evokes for me: that hand by hand, person by person, this is the world that we will build. There is a moment where Scotty and Kirk cut to Scotty and Data, on the line: "the end of a decade but the start of an age" - that shift into the future that is at once thirty years and a century gives me chills. And it's just a toast, a little bit of kindness between the two of them, because the great history of the future was as much a history of shared drinks and cosplay and dancing and romance and drunken sing-songs of Jerusalem as it was a history of great deeds and ships called Enterprise.
I just... yes.
-I also made a vid myself and posted it during the con - not a premiere; I'm not that organised, though I did finally finish the vid on Saturday afternoon - and in case you missed it, here it is:
we came to learn the sea, also about all of Star Trek! This has been the vid of my heart the last couple of months or so; like Long Live, it's a love song. A little sadder, as is my wont, but still.
-And though I had rather a miserable train journey home - drunks! smelly people! ticket shenanigans! - I had my laptop and a surplus of enthusiasm, so I vidded! I made 30 seconds of a vid, anyway. I have a lot of vid ideas at the moment - I'm still going to make an Arachnia vid at some point; I have a half-formed idea for a vid about sad robots - but the one that got made is this odd little creature, a vid about Star Trek, mind control and violence.
(As per, I have all the happiest fanwork ideas.)
Right. Work.
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