People who live in/know people in the Bay area - I've got a good friend about to end up temporarily homeless because her current lease is up today and every other lead she had died. She has a job near downtown and works a variety of shifts, so needs to live within 2-ish miles of Market and Van Ness so she can get to work. She has a very sweet dog who goes to work with her and needs something not too expensive that allows large dogs. If anyone has any possible leads on a place, I know she'd appreciate it a lot, and I'd certainly appreciate not worrying about her too. She's quiet and clean and dependable and the housing market is ridiculous. Please let me know if you know of anything I could pass on - either longterm or somewhere she can stay until she finds a place. Thanks!
I can further vouch for our friend - she's one of the best people you could ever meet. If anyone's got anything, I'd really appreciate it.
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