I am in Edinburgh! It is not very cold; yesterday I woke up at six am and listened to the birds sing for a while;
shimgray claims that the whole Ethnic Festival aspect is his dastardly revenge for my taking him to my family reunion in October, but somehow this doesn't quite work; people being unfailingly sweet to you and then feeding you to excess does not, in my mind, constitute revenge.
It has been an intersting couple of days, certainly. I almost missed my train north, and would have done had I not been stopped by a little old lady with a car full of greenery, who said she was going to decorate the local church and if I would help load hundreds of pots of green things, she'd give me a lift to the station; then, once I had arrived, and been met, and gone off to catch a bus, I nearly had my suitcase stolen. I would have done, had Shim not both a) been paying attention and b) had the wherewithal to jump up and hare down the street after the guy, who was more confused than criminal and seemed under the impression he was carrying two large plastic crates of vegetables and crisps rather than a small suitcase filled with women's clothes. (That said, there was a little old lady also on the warpath. While I peered out to see what was going on, she told me to stay on the bus, because that was a bad man. "Not your man!" she amended. "The other man.")
I have also been fed more food than I've pretty much been fed ever, been batted in the head by a remote-controlled helicopter and replaced a fully-bedecked Christmas tree with another, taller, not-so-fully bedecked Christmas tree at five o'clock in the morning. It has been very nice indeed.
(My father reports that two of the Christmas babies he's delivered have been named after me. Oh god. Also, my mother is not talking to me, again. After nearly throwing an entirely arbitrary fit that I was giving my boyfriend a girls' scarf for Christmas, and then having the sheer temerity to not call her until nine o'clock in the evening on a day on which I had been travelling for six hours, clearly things could only get worse. Bitter, me, etc. She's driving me mad.)
And now, Doctor Who. Until then,
yuletide! It is great, and there are recs to follow. In the meantime, usual rules apply! If anyone guesses one of my stories correctly, a ficlet or drabble shall be forthcoming! (And as a tip: there are six stories of mine in the archive, five full length and one drabblet.)
Hope everyone's having a nice day.