Mar 08, 2008 22:36
Life is in general has been somewhat.. good I guess other then being hit by a freaking brick. I'm trying to save money but I'm finding myself still spending money.. I know what it is but i hate to admit it.. It's the fact that I have a g/f. I spend soo much money driving to see her and back.. It's like 20-25miles each way each time I go see her..
She has been helping me by taking the bus down here and all but still it's a strain on my tank. I hate to admit it b/c I know that I have to save but it would be one of 2 things.. either get a 2nd job which would leave no time for her or free time at all.. or quit the relationship..
I know that i Have also been putting money aside for rent and also for my immigration paperwork.. along with my card insurance.. which reminds me I still owe.. I know that I have also been spending on other stupid shits like.. Always going out to eat.. I need to learn to cook in order to save a bit more money.. I have been teaching myself how to fry stuff on the frying pan but so far I only have polish dogs, eggs, pancakes and torillas on the list. I know.. sad.. 23 and can't cook for shit. That is life I guess...
I have also been shopping for the house.. Buying my own juices. Buying my own food--- well stuff for everyone in the house i guess. I'm still getting the same old shit speech from my family that I'm not doing anything in the house to help.. but I guess it comes with the family. Never have really felt appreciated.. I listened to my mom bitch for years about how her and my father's problems.. Tried to give advise.. Help here and there around the house.. but I always get the speech that I don't contribute. They forget that it was my idea in the 1st place for them to charge me rent-- So I could say that I'm pulling my own weight.. Of course now they give me shit and tell me that rent is late and expect me to pay more w/o anymore benefits. All i want is for my g/f to spend the night from time to time. Is that really asking much?
It's been almost 3 months.. I'm sad to say this but this is my longest relationship in like.. 3 years.. My last longest being w/ that bitch Jackie. I'm still friends but I hold a gruge against her. Too much bullshit and heartbreak i guess... Today she called me regarding the money for the eviction notice that still sits on me b/c of her choice of roommates.. Daimon.. That cheapskate bitch.. Still owes me money.. $240.. i'll skin him alive someday but for now I wait for Karma. She expect me and manny to go halves on the money left over on the lease breaker.. O_O??? I was like "Wtf are you talking about..." We're splitting that shit 3 ways.. I would say 4 but that asswipe will never pay..
We fought but she finally was like.. ok.. whatever.. Whatever? She was living there too and for free.. Barely did anything either.. Claimed that she cleaned but honestly the most she did was cook-- I'll admit the food was good but the money for the food came from me and Manny.. and sometimes Daimon. They wanted me to move in with them.. hahahahaha... yeah.. right.. Those pigs.. No thanks. I'm not the cleanest person in the world but I'm not a pig like them.. we had 9 cats and 2 dogs at one time in that house.. god.. The place smelled horrid. I couldn't even bring my dates in there. I was kind glad we got kicked out but.. at the sametime I liked the fact that I had something I could call my own.. whatever.. it's in the past.
Back to the relationship at hand.. We're good.. we're happy.. I mean, she is and so am I.. but I'm still a gamer.. I miss my freetime for games.. whenever she is with me at huggy's or my pad.. she craves my attention.. I wouldn't mind but she starts kissing up on me and blocking my view. yes. I'm a dork.. we all know this.. or she starts whining about me not paying attention.. I have ADHD.. the only thing that I can pay attention to is my Video Games, DnD or Card Games.. i have it in my blood. Running thru me I have a petals of a black lotcus. hahahaha... Magic references for the ftw.
We see each other like 3-5 times a wk... Anydays that I don't see her-- it's b/c it's too late at night to see her and I have to work the next day. and even those they she begs me.. And I give in.. which i don't mind.. i like seeing her but I miss my alone time.. I miss killing hrs on RO or WC3...
how do I tell her w/o her getting her feelings hurts b/c I have tried and she get mopey.. *sigh*