Oct 07, 2006 17:49
I had to work all day today, 8.30 am to 5 pm, I've had 3 hours sleep yet I still feel somewhat lively and suprisingly alert... work was steady... it peaked around midday, then went downhill, was one of the busiest Saturdays I've had so far.
There's some customers that jsut know how to push your buttons. What people don't realise when they choose to hurl verbal abuse at the retail assistants is that 90% of the time the problem can either be solved from a) patience, or b) accepting the fact that it's not actually our fault and nothing can be done about it.
Then you have the rude people who make your job hard by acting like they are the only people in the store who need attention. Things like huffing and puffing, while also making snide comments under their breath just bring down the morale, as well as making us feel like crap. It's not on and it's unfair that we can't say anything back because the company would suffer. Justice is certainly unjust.
Today I realised that I actually despise my store's management and how they act superiorly and talk to the normal staff in a condescending way. The only reason I like my job is because of the people, the pay and the easy work. You never know, maybe I'll find a job that encompasses ALL of the things I desire to make a job 100% enjoyable. :] Of course customers also play a part...
Might be going out tonight... remember I've had 3 hours of sleep so I'm not feeling totally up to scratch, but it's my friend's birthday party and I guess I have to make an appearance. :) We'll see how tonight goes. Tomorrow afternoon I'm trekking up to Perth again since I should savour the opportunities to actually see my friends during the school break. I have 2 essays, a human biol essay and a major research history essay to focus on. >_< Fat chance of that happening. ;)
Oh, I also need lots more music. Recommend me, k? <3