(no subject)

Jun 23, 2003 23:25

last cigarette: Hmm, it's been a while
last kiss: when i went out with leukemia victim. ew.
last good cry: there is no good crying.
last library book checked out: collection of shakespeare's plays
last movie seen: the divine secerts of the ya-ya sisterhood.
last book read: Picture of Dorian Gray. i highly recommend it
last cuss word uttered: shit
last beverage drank: water
last food consumed: raisins
last crush: hmmm possibly zach?
last phone call: nick from his car phone
last tv show watched: WWE? with my brother. it's so sad.
last time showered: few minutes ago
last shoes worn: my grey sketchers
last cd played: Nick's that he made
last item bought: the best stirrups in the world!!
last downloaded: spice girls ~ goodbye
last annoyance: how ugly my hair looks.
last disappointment: my hair
last soda drank: diet mt. dew
last thing written: i don't keep track of these things
last key used: s
last word spoken: "gay"
last sleep: 8:06
last im: lauren
last sexual fantasy: Umm, last night?
last weird encounter: today when i saw laura
last ice cream eaten: last week
last time amused: the barn always amuses me
last time wanting to die: five minutes ago
last time in love: "love" was over in feb. if indeed u want to call it that.
last time hugged: at the horse show by sarah
last time scolded: little while ago, i was told to clean
last time resentful: today when i got my hair done.
last chair sat in: my comfy black leather massage chair
last lipstick used: i have lip gloss...
last underwear worn: the blue ones that look like a bandanna
last bra worn: the three sports bras that accompany me to the barn.
last shirt worn: i'm wearing my wizard of oz one
last time dancing: this afternoon, i always dance around my room
last poster looked at: my hartwood one
last show attended: Fiddlah =(
last webpage visited: www.livejournal.com

1 MINUTE AGO: typing
1 HOUR AGO: in the shower
1 DAY AGO: sitting here fighting with my mother.
1 WEEK AGO: out with nick
1 YEAR AGO: wishing i were still in the bahamas
I HURT: my back
I LOVE: my horse.
I HATE: somethings
I FEAR: death
I HOPE: to get revenge
I FEEL: poopie
I HIDE: a lot of things
I DRIVE: my Petie
I MISS: my childhood
I LEARNED: to let go
I NEED: life
I THINK: about weird things

current clothes: green mr. potato head pj pants, wizard of oz shirt
current mood: i've been better
current music: none
current taste: raisins
current hair: stupid brown
current annoyance: my damn hair!
current smell: my conditioner
current thing i should be doing: cleeping since i have to be up at 4:30
current desktop picture: cartoon monkees
current refreshment: saliva
current worry: how stupid my hair looks

1. What do you most like about your body? My eyes.
2. And least? everything else
3. How many fillings do you have? 4?
4. Do you think you're good looking? Hell no
5. Do other people often tell you that you're good looking? i'm "cute", which means that i'm butt-fucking ugly but they wouldn't tell me that.
6. Do you look like any celebrities? i look like ur mom.
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