Book Log 2020 #15 - SEVEN OF NINE by Christie Golden

Sep 27, 2020 22:10

15 - SEVEN OF NINE by Christie Golden.
Only her third Trek book, a Voyager one, and not bad,though I confess I prefer her Assassin's Creed books, which are way better than the Oliver Bowden ones, being written by an actual storyteller and not a tame historian. The plotline is rather obvious, and tells us too much of what the guest characters are really up to far too early, rather than letting us find out as Seven finds out, but moves along at a nice clip, makes great use of Seven as a lead character, and did a good job of making me want to see how things would turn out. But, you know, my 1998 stuff isn’t my best either.
Characterisation of Seven is really good, the other characters passable, and it’s nice to see a good range of nonhuman[oid] aliens in a Trek story, to a greater extent than the show, which was still running when this came out, could have ever afforded. Use of the Raven motif builds well on the season 4 episode too, and there’s a bonus laugh for page 195 having a line of unintentional Yoda grammar…
Nice nostalgic familiar comfort-reading, that.
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