Thanks to the previous poll results and the super duper co-mods
jade_1459 and
aphelant, the Lonely Tarts Club is happy to announce the week-long John and Vala Screening Party!
Starting on the 2nd we'll post one discussion/squee entry per day to refresh participants and watchers alike. Feel free to wander into character tangents (label your fanon, please), ask background questions from other episodes, and generally spam the posts.
The schedule is:
Thursday: Memento Mori
Friday: Common Ground
Saturday: The Powers That Be
Sunday: Conversion
Monday: Avalon
Tuesday: The Storm / The Eye
Check back for any changes. Not to worry if you miss a day! They'll remain open.
Don't have the episode handy?
Try the comments in the locked post. (Participants, we're working to provide you with any requested goods; sorry for any delays.)
This is also my cue to remind you that the Thing-a-thon has less than
14 days to go.