Andrew' McCarthy's Character KEVIN rocks my socks off

Jan 26, 2006 09:33

Kirby: It's true love, my friend.

Kevin: Love, love, you know what love is? Love is an illusion created by lawyer types like yourself to perpetuate another illusion called marriage to create the reality of divorce and then the illusionary need for divorce lawyers. You know there are more people in law school right now than there are lawyers on the entire planet? Think about that.

Kirby: You are just pissed off and bitter because you have not had sex in... how long? What is it... a year... maybe two? Refresh my memory please, Kevin. Haven't you heard of the sexual revolution?

Kevin: Who won, huh? Nobody. Used to be sex was the only free thing, No longer. Alimony... palimony... it's all financial. Love is an illusion.

Kirby: It's the only illusion that counts, my friend.

Kevin: Says who?

Kirby: Anyone who's been in love.

Kevin: Love sucks.

Kirby: So does your attitude.

Kevin: Marriage is a concept invented by people who were lucky to make it to 20 without being eaten by dinosaurs. Marriage is obsolete.

Alec: Dinosaurs are obsolete. Marriage is still around.
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