Fresh Meat

Nov 14, 2004 02:05

01.) Name and/or Nickname: Lyrsa,named lyrs or chuca by friends
02.) Birthday/Age/Sign: Sept.12/23/Virgo
03.) Location:Puerto Rico

04.) Drugs/Alcohol? I smoke pot and I drink alcohol during the weekend.I don't think it's a healty choice,but it's my choice,and it's not like I do it everyday at every hour.
05.) Religion? I belive in a super force in this univers,is it God or something else,I dunno.I just try to be fair in my actions.
06.) Homosexuality? I am gay,so I don't think I have any problem with it.
07.) Abortion?I think that the pregnat lady should be able to decide if she wants that big change in her life,a baby.I would never do it, even if I was rape.The baby doesn't have to pay for my mistakes or the other person's mistakes.But if a friend of mine wants to have it,I would stand by her.
08.) Prostitution? In some parts of the world,it's a very honest work.I do not belive that this ladies sleep with men because they want to,because if it was for pleasure reason they would have been paying the guys for the sex.It's not for me to judge.
09.) The Death Penalty? This is a subject that people avoid because it's a double knife thing.People say that if the person killed someone he/she should be kill,but a few times the law is very blind,they it might send to the electric chair or the lethal injection an innocent person.I think it's better to let the person in jail for life.If he/she is guilt,he/she will have to live with those thoughts and with the person or personas he/she killed for the rest of his/her life.

10.) Which do you like better and why: Books or Movies? I like both,but I think that books are better.With books you can let you mind run and you must picture the story in your mind.Movies give you all,there's no time to be creative.Is not that movies are bad,but I like reading best.
11.) If you found 5 bucks in your pockets, what would you buy? Probably a pack of cigs or some food at the next fast food with value menu.
12.) Name a film, book or any other form of art that has moved you or changed your life, and explain: this might sound stupid or corny,but heck, I don't care.I like the movie Beaches with Bette Midler a lot.I think it's a movie that can show you how valuable is a friendship,specially if it's a true friend.Friends are there for us during good and bad times and sometimes we are just fuck heads with friends.To have friends is a good thing,but to keep them for life is a very nice thing.
13.) If you died this instant, what would be your life's greatest accomplishment? The I was always the same person,that I didn't let people think I was someone in one place and another in other place.
14.) What is your most prized posession? my friends.They have been always there,and they will always be.
15.) Make up AND ANSWER one question: Do you like Mariska Hargitay? Oh,very much.I'm gonna make her mi wife and we are going to have a threesome with Stephanie March.We'll video tape it,and then will put it at Kazaa so all those Olivia/Alex fan can have a party =D

//WHAT THE FUCK ?!?!//
16.) What happened to you? I dunno...I met a opossum.
17.) How ya like 'dem apples? I don't like apple unless it's apple juice.
18.) If you could have a truckload of something, what would it be? probabbly money
19.) If you could have a sharks tooth or an emu egg, which would you choose, why would you choose it and what would you do with it? I would choose the sharks tooth.I would choose it cuz I don't know what to do with an egg,less at all an emu egg,and with the tooth I can make a nice necklace.

20.) How did you find out about us (GIVE US A LINK OR USERNAME)?missdesirae
21.) You MUST promote us in 3 personal journals or 1 community. Show us the link(s) here (yes, right now)!
22.) What does the word "hard" mean to you? strong,determine,doesn't give up.
23.) Look at the memberlist and read some (if not all) of the applications. Pick out the HARDEST member and tell us why you think they are so outstanding: I chose kismekate. First I chose her because of her username,it sounded nice.Then her icon shows up,a Law and Order:SVU one.I love SVU.Then I read she would be a magenta crayon,which is the color my room is.And she says that pink is hot,and I have to agree on that.Pink and black are my fav colors.Can I go to that Chevy of yours ;D ???

24.) If you were accepted, who would be the first person you'd want to vote out based on their application (and why)? graymichael because I don't agree with him in the "What are your view on.." part in his appy
25.) Why are you hard? (Give us at least 3 examples or scenarios): I am hard cuz I have to face a set of parents that do not care for me what so ever.I have the worst job ever,and there I go,everyday,to suck it all up and do it for the money.I travel everyday in public transportation,and not just the bus.The little bus that doesn't have any rules and it's drove up by the owner and if someone what's to touch you can, which happened to me 3 days ago, and I'm still here.I got suspended from college, and I'm going to apply again and I'm taking all my failed course with the same teacher just to show them that I can really do it and that they aren't hard, I am.
26.) Why should we accept you? Becuase I'm hard,I want to join this community,and I'll try it all the times I can until you guys acceot me.

** Don't forget 2-6 pictures (NOT links!)**


with my friends from work

with my gf

me again

this is my friend Luis

and this is my very best friend Maribel.

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