Aug 31, 2006 09:37
Well, it has been about 10 posts since zombies were mentioned. I think we should review. By now you should have begun training and be pretty well progressed. If you have forgotten (and lord help you if you could) here is a brief list of who is in the group and your code names/ duties.
Me- "the old man", leader and military despot for the duration. skills/abilities: various martial training, military training and experience, a standing press of nigh 200 lbs. and the ability to live off eating things that would make a billy goat puke.
Catch phrase: "Come with me if you want to live."
Drewlyn- "Padre"- Moral compass. Skills/abilities: Unexpectedly good with weapons, can hold the moral fabric of the group together.
"Praise (insert your god here) and pass the ammunition!"
La Loba- "Maiden"- Plucky female inspriation. Skills/abilities: girl scout training encompassing a wide variety of terrain and rudimentary first aid, being able to produce the next gen of my army.
"yes Sir!"
Taoangel- "Mercy"- Gungho soldier- Skills/abilities: extensive first aid, weapons training, survival experience, keeping the faith when other lose it.
"This is gonna hurt"
Perfectsilver- "Doomy" (formerly "Judas")- skills/abilities: pessimism, playing the devil's advocate. surprising familiarity with side and smallarms.
"We're all going to die down here."
Joe- "Country"- skills/ablities: some small knowledge of Physics and other sciences, agriculture.
"the dead have risen and are voting republican"
Bleysofamber- "Bleys"- skills/abilites: Martial aptitude, officer material, the right attitude and boundless rage. a will to power.
"The way out is through"
saintsgabe- "X.O." or "number 2"- skills/abilities: degrees in bio and psych, some survival experience, some mechanical skill, trusted by all.
"What's wrong with you people?!"
gistrationp- "Boyscout"- skills/abilities: ruthless determination to survive, a moraless obdience to my orders.
"be prepared"
xozdragon- "Fix-it"- skills/abilites: mechanical skill and experience. cooking aptitude, firearm experience.
"hold on a sec, while i whip this thing out."
This is the list so far. If you are not in it and wanna join the tribe, message me. if you have skills not list or changed since i recieved your response, reply. If you have anything to add, hit me back. the next post will be a recommended packing list. I will also be putting this on myspace to see if we can't broaden the talent pool.