(no subject)

Apr 09, 2007 21:35

Welcome to the best post ever in the history of Lonelyroads.

Please note: All pictures are stolen until otherwise stated.

So quite obviously I'd like to bring back 2 pictures from the summer.

And straight into St. Patricks Day. It was grand.

Jessie wouldn't let me take it out!

Also, I'm Adam.

Good conversations were clearly had.

BBF! ahahahah.

On a battery mission.

And, group!

Julianna's Decade Party

"Get the Canucks girls!"

This is so unattactive.

This was the most entertaining thing of my life.
Sara: "Someone bet me I couldn't make out 5 different girls, but if you 3 make out with me that will be 5"
3 girls: "Okay!"
Sara: "Works every time."

I was so drunk, I didn't even notice she was wearing this big princess dress.

Dane's confussion over this pictures makes me smile.

Dane's awkwardness around Jessie and Adam made my night.

"The Newest Pop Emo Sensation!"

This fall, brought to you by Erin and her drunk shoes. So defeated.

Sara tried her line on us. It didn't work.

In true alcoholic fashion, please note that it's still light outside.



Erin and I preparing costumes.

Out of frame: Blow Dryer.

I wish so much this wasn't blurry, but then I fear it might loose its charm.


Erin: No, don't take any pictues yet, there are like 7 people here, it'll look so sad!

Kris10 def made an appearance.

The angle of this pictures just shows how short I am.

Just becuase my arm looks so fucked.

Okay, so you know how in teeny bopper girly movies there's always the main character and then her two little side kicks? Erin is most definately a side kick.

Fuck Nelly Furtado day, We're Going to the Fray!!!

So, March 21st, Sara, Erin, Jessie and I treked over to Van to see The Fray. The day started out spectacular with gray clouds and a slight drizzle of rain. The ferry ride over was tolerable, but we were soooo excited.

Erin was getting herself super excited for it.

Once we reached the hotel it took some stealth manouvering of me and Sara hiding at Starbucks around the corner while Jessie and Erin checked into our room, "for two." Once the keys were retrieved a very slick switch was made at the Starbucks. Sara and I slipped into the hotel unnoticed and watched about 2 hours of CSI and Oprah. After an hour we began to wonder what happened to Erin and Jessie. I called Jessie and she tells me they're shopping, at the 10 DOLLAR STORE, across from the hotel. I laughed and Sara and I carried on watching Oprah.
"Jessie and Sara are coming out of the closet! ...TOGETHER!"

Erin and Jessie creeping on the construction men across the street.

Kyle Ribako opened for the Fray. He's super pretty and tallented and Erin, Jessie and I are obsessed. Sara's a big dyke and is less amazed.

After Kyle's set, we hit the bathroom because the pre concert drinking bladder control kicked in. Upon returning to our seats we took pictures to try and pass the time. Super boring. We also named seperate member of the roadie crew such as, "Paper Towel Boy," and "Water Boy (Which we actually just stole from Adam Sandler)"

Most of these are supposed to convey "excitment."

Shameless amounts of Fray pictures to follow. Around 10.

After the show, we amoung MANY others horded over to Kyle's small "on the road" store. Purchases of CDs were made by me.
Sara found him alrigt looking enough to be a part of our picture.

All in all, I will now shamelessly promote:
Kyle Riabko:

Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers (SK6ers):

PLAYOFFS ON WED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO CANUCKS GO!!!!!!!!
Still jobless.
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