I write like...

Feb 23, 2011 17:18

Okay, this is hilarious! Based on chapter 10 of Superman Tonight, apparently:

I write like
J. K. Rowling
I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

WTF? *grins* decided this needs investigating for consistency...

In chapter 11,

I write like
William Gibson
I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

(Who's that?)

Obviously, my writing style is not very consistent...hmmm...let's see what it thinks of the whole story *grins*

And the verdict is:

I write like
Gertrude Stein
I Write Like by Mémoires, journal software. Analyze your writing!

Is that good? I don't know who that is... Oh well, that was a fun waste of five minutes - back to trying to write the evil and uncooperative chapter twelve :-D

Sarah x


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