Title: It's a Hell of a Life
theblackrose16Fairytale Source: It's a Wonderful Life
Rating: PG-13 (if you watch the show you can read this)
Word Count: 17,756
Characters: Sam, Gabriel, Dean, various other major/minor SPN characters in bit-roles
Pairings: None yet, just friendship
Warnings: Highlight to see (warnings are slightly spoilery) Character death, suicidal thoughts, mentions miscarriage
Spoilers: Have you seen season 5? Yep? Then you're good *grins*
Disclaimer: I only wish I owned them...and I haven't got an annoying but awesome Archangel to grant my wish for me :-(
Author's Notes: Length-wise, it got away from me a bit. And there's going to be a sequel. Oh, and make sure you check out the art, it's awesome! Huge thanks to theblackrose16 for that! :-D
Summary: Sam is in a bad place. Gabriel sees, and decides to take action.
Link to fic (hosted at FFnet since LJ is being uncooperative today) Link to Art by Theblackrose16