You're the one that I want...

Dec 03, 2005 14:42

Hey! So it's definitely been a good week... I don't know where to start. Took my final for orientation Thursday, that class is finally done with and I got a 99, although it was a ridiculously hard orientation class. Boo. Turned in my english research paper, too, hopefully I'll get a good grade on that!

Let's see, Thursday night was fun! Got dressed up and me, Jon, and all the other 5th floor guys went partying. First we went to Theta Chi but it kinda sucked so we went to the hockey house, which was crazy. There were so many people! Drank a few beers, talked to Steph and Kate (girls on my floor), hung out with Jon, it was fabulous! Then came back here and fell asleep in my room with Jon <3. That's going pretty much awesome, by the way. He's such a great guy, and we get along so well, it's just great, I'm happy!!

Yesterday was good, too. Jon left for TN (boo), so I was hanging out in here bored out of my mind. I went to this movie night with Sigma Tau Delta, the english honorary, which is good because I think I might minor in english and that'd be awesome to be in. After that I came back here. After awhile Jacob and Oakley came down, so I talked to them for awhile, then Charlie came down and we watched some show on the science channel. Had a few more beers (Jon left me some of Thursday's leftovers). Then Jacob came down and me, Charlie, and Jacob watched "Mean Girls" - awesome movie. LOL. They left for a little while and Oakley came down. I guess we watched "Dodgeball," although we talked through most of it. Then Jacob and Austin came down, and we all hung out. That's where I get a little fuzzy, 'cause I had 7 beers. Which, apparently, is my limit, because in the middle of "Fight Club" I threw up in my garbage can. Gross. Thank goodness for Oakley, who is pretty much awesome, and took my garbage out for me :) After that I guess I just passed out. I don't really remember too much in the hour before I puked... haha it was fun, though, other than the puking.

I woke up today so freakin' hung over. Woke up at 9 and was dizzy and tired and couldn't sleep or eat. I finally ate some Crispix and Kool Aid. Then went over to breakfast with Charlie and ate an omelet, haha, how I did that I have no clue.

Anyway, today I'm just hanging out, watching "Grease" on VH1 classics... tonight is the Eastern-Western basketball game, I'm going with the guys. That should be a freakin blast, yay! Although, no drinking for me tonight, ehh...

I can't wait til Christmas break. I'm really horribly bummed I won't be able to see Jon for a month (hopefully just 2 week segments, he might come down and see me, and if there's anyway for me to get up there, I will!) but other than that, it's gonna be awesome. And I, Katie McBride, actually have new years plans (For some reason I go out all the time, but I never do anything on new years... I've had options, just haven't done anything) Jared's having a huge birthday/new years party, and Jon might come down! Yay! I'm working at Kohl's, too, but it'll be great to hang out with everyone and not be constricted to like 4 days. I especially can't wait to see Robyn, 'cause she's pretty much awesome and my best friend, and I hope she feels better even if high school sucks. Anyway, I'm gonna go, but feel free to leave comments! Later!


Your IQ Is 110

Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional

Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional

Your General Knowledge is Exceptional
A Quick and Dirty IQ Test

You're an Passionate Kisser

For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble
What Kind of Kisser Are You?

You Are a Liberal Republican

When you tell people that you're Republican, they rarely believe you.

That's because you're socially liberal - likely pro-choice and pro-gay rights.

You're also not so afraid of big goverment, as long as it benefits people and not politicians.

You are the most likely of any Republican type to swing over to the Democrat side sometimes.

What political persuasion are you?

What Your Underwear Says About You

You tend to buy new underwear instead of doing laundry.

You're sexy, in that pinup girl, tease sort of way.
The Underwear Oracle

Your Love Style is Eros

For you, love is all about the passion!

And chances are, you're currently in love.

You have a strong physical response to love...

And you are great at committing

(As long as the person makes your toes curl!)

What's Your Love Style?
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