Hey! What's up? Not much here, hangin out in the room procrastinating on my research paper, so I figured I'd update. Overall, it has not been too bad of a weekend. Friday night was pretty much incredible. Jon and I went to Lexington and drove around looking for somewhere to eat... lol we drove for like an hour, and we finally just settled on Olive Garden, which was delicious. After that, he said we were going to see a movie, and he had directions for the theater, which I thought was weird because we know where the theater is... but I didn't really think anything of it at the time. LOL I knew when we pulled it that something was up, though... he took me ice skating! How freakin' cute is that? :) I had no clue, either. Like, Caitlin had told me she knew what the surprise was, and to dress warm, and he dropped all these hints at dinner, and I never picked up on it! I was really excited. By the time we got there it was 1/2 an hour until the end of the session, so we skated until the end of the session, and it was pretty much a blast. I'm really bad at ice skating haha, but it was still fun! Then we rented a movie, and I fell asleep in his room. Pretty much an amazing night... <3
Yesterday wasn't as much fun, lol, Caitlin and I pretty much sat in the room all day, until about 10:30 when Jon told us we were all going to a party. So I got up, got dressed, looked pretty, and we left for the party. Well, we found a party, but it was byob, and we were with the boys, so that wasn't going to work. We ended up standing by Justin's truck for 20 minutes before we just walked to Waffle House, then came back here. I was kind of a bitch, but it was really boring. Oh well, I needed to get out of the building at some point, I guess it works.
Today's been kind of uneventful, too. I slept until 12:30, which was great, because for the past two weeks I have had problems sleeping. So I'm finally caught up on sleep, I think. I showered, then went to Hooters for lunch with Jon, Scott, Bob, and Ryan. I don't really like Hooters wings, but I was kinda hungry, and the food supply in our room is waning. So I got 20 wings for the price of 10 (covered dinner, too, lol I'm smart like that) and hung out with the boys. Then came back here, where I should be doing my paper, but I'm not. Obviously, lol, Friday was the highlight of the weekend, and the rest has pretty much been kind of boring.
Anyway, I'm coming home Tuesday night for Thanksgiving break. That'll be nice. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again! I haven't seen Allie, Jordan, Kirk, or anyone since August. That seems so long... I miss them! And of course, hanging out with K.C. and Robyn, that'll be a blast. I'm gonna miss everyone up here though, even if it's just for a week. But it'll be a nice break from school work. Thank goodness, I need one of those. LOL.
Well, I'm gonna do a survey, and get back to my research paper. Leave comments. Later!
Who Was...
Your first crush: Mike Green from Batavia in 2nd grade, lol
Your last crush: Jon
The last person you hung out with: The boys
The last person you talked to: Caitlin
What Was...
The first concert you went to: BBMak and Hoku, it was some free concert at Riverbend.
The first car you drove: First ever? I guess my dad's conversion van when I had my temps. Haha, good times, learning to drive in a conversion van.
Your favorite thing when you were 5, do you still have it?: Hmm, I guess that would have to be my white teddy bear, and I think it's in my stuffed animals box at my dad's.
The last place you went: Hooters. LOL.
What are you most nervous about?: Hmm... I dunno. I guess seeing everyone over break, and not letting it be like fall break... and grades.
What are you happiest for? : Plenty. My family (especially feeling detached now, because I feel like everything is okay, even if it isn't always), my awesome friends (both here and from back home), finally feeling secure, Jon <3 for being awesome, the fact that I feel like everything is finally falling into place for me.
What are you most looking forward to? Christmas... basically the whole month of December lol.
What are you least looking forward to? Doing my research paper.
Who are you "with" right now? Jon
Who do you dislike the most? People who are really ignorant and won't open their minds to anything that is different from what they're used to thinking.
How old would you like to be when you get married? I don't want to set an age, I don't like to be someone that plans that stuff out.
Where do you want to go to school? Hmm... EKU? haha.
What do you want your profession to be? Journalist
Where do you want to live? Either Chicago or Cincinnati (but not Eastgate)
Finish the Sentence
My mom...is one of my best friends, and probably the person who understands me the most
My dad...has been one of the toughest struggles of my life, and continues to cause me grief, although I still wish I could build a relationship with him somehow
I want... happiness
If you were stranded on a desert island, what would you bring? A boat? I thought it was smart... lol
Would you shave your head for a $ 1,000? Probably, money would help. I could buy a wig with some of the money. Haha.
Would you ever kill someone? If I absolutely had to.
What is the worst movie you have ever seen? Man, that's tough... probably that Urban Legends one Jon and I watched, that was pretty lame... or Deep Water (I think that's the one where the couple swims around in the ocean the whole movie only to inevitable die)
What is the worst TV show you have ever seen? That's tough... pick a reality show, any reality show. Haha.
Do you like school? Yeah for the most part
If you could get to one place for a free vacation, where would you go? Anywhere? Probably New York. I love it there. I've been twice, but only for like 2 days at a time.
Do you like to fly? I don't mind it, yeah
How many times have you been kicked out of class? Umm I don't know... at least once
Do you wear a watch? Yeah
Do you have a car (If so what kind)? Kind of, when I'm at home I can drive it, but it stays there, and it's K.C.'s too. Red '99 Saturn 2 door
Do you like pizza? Who doesn't?
How many times do you wash your hair a day? Once
Righty or Lefty? Right
Do you have a good sense of humor? LOL Yeah, everyone yells at me 'cause I laugh all the time... oh except when Jared teases me, then I don't. lol.
What is one thing you can't do? I dunno... eat healthy, exercise on a regular basis, not talk on my cell phone for a day... pick one
Are you afraid of dying? Very
Do you like where you live? Hmm... Richmond's okay, it would be nice if it were like 5 minutes from Lexington and not 25. Cincinnati's great, if only I didn't live in Eastgate.
Have you had sex (if you have, how many people)? Nope
Your dream home: Hmm... charming. That's the only word that comes to mind. Skylights, big windows, huge yard... yeah that'd be nice
Shoe Size: 8 1/2
Your (natural) hair/eye color: Reddish brown/green or blue depending on the day
Who's in your family? Mom, K.C., Timmy, Lucy... and Dad when I go over there
What's your best talent? I can play the viola pretty well... and I can talk and talk for hours and never get tired. Haha.
What emotion do you hide the most? Irritation probably. I can get irritated really easy, but I don't usually tell anyone.
Do you think you are smart? Yeah
What is your best subject? English
Are you religious? Yeah, but I don't really go to church. It's a very long story.
Are you a good person? I think so... I hope so
Your Hobbies: Listening to music, playing viola/piano, singing... I pretty much love music... and I like to read, shockingly, and I like to play basketball and swim, but I'm terrible at both
Your biggest Fear: The dark, storms, being alone, death
Personality type: Hmm... I'm very outgoing, I get along with most people... I don't hold grudges, although sometimes I should. I can't decide if I trust too easily, or if I don't trust enough (it depends on the person, I think)... I like having a group of friends, but one or two best friends
Do you have a hidden talent? Haha I don't think so... I used to think it was cool that I could make such big dips on my collarbone, but I think a lot of people can do that... lol
How many CDs do you own? Over 200, some ridiculous amount. Actually, I'm probably closing in on 300. LOL. I'm a CDaholic
Do you consider yourself a romantic person? I can be... jury's still out, I'm not really sure
Do others consider you a romantic person? I don't think so
Do others consider you a hopeless romantic? Definitely not hopeless, no, I'm too realistic for that
What is your dream car? Sports car, either black or red
What color is your room? Here, white. At home, blue and cream with an ocean border in the middle, I like it
What size is your bed? Twin here, double at home
Do you have a TV in your room? Yup
Who is your favorite person to hang with? Caitlin, Jon, Charlie, Jacob, Ashley, Allie, Robyn, K.C... I don't know!! LOL.
What is your favorite brand of jeans? Levi's or Old Navy
Do you use an alarm clock to wake yourself up? No, but I use the alarm on my phone
What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day? Hang out, watch movies... good times
What is your favorite "look" that guys or girls have? Casual but kind of preppy. I don't like people who try to hard, though, that's pretty lame.
What is your worst habit? I can be whiny, and complain a lot...
What's your favorite thing to do on the weekend? Hmm... hang out with my friends, go to movies.
What is your favorite Olympic event? I guess the figure skating, I don't know?
What's the first thing that you think about when you wake up in the morning? How much longer I can sleep and still get to class on time
What color of clothes do you like to wear the most? Color? Probably blue and pink, I have a lot of pink shirts, and I always wear jeans
Do you have dreams or nightmares more often? Dreams, but crazy dreams lol
Do you like cheese on your sandwiches? Provolone with turkey, yeah
What is your favorite restaurant? Skyline, Chipotle, Perkins (for the muffins), and probably in terms of nice restaurants, Olive Garden is up there, as is Carrabba's (the bread, mmm)... I like italian
What is your favorite memory? Sophomore year parties... those were so much fun. I don't know, whenever life wasn't complicated.
Where do you see yourself in twenty years? I'm not sure... writing for a paper or magazine somewhere, maybe married, hopefully kids
What grades do you get? Mostly A's, some B's
What is the most common saying you say? I say "like" a lot... saying? "I know!"
What age do you think is too young to get married? I think you should probably get married once you are settled into your career and stable enough to live on your own. I know, it doesn't make sense, get stable enough to be on your own, then marry, but it makes sense to me. Anytime before 25 is probably not a good idea, but it's dependent on the situation.
Do you like to wear jewelry? yeah
What kind of pizza do you like? Pepperoni, green peppers, black olives, light sauce
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Mint Chocolate Chip and Peanut Butter Chip from UDF, or Black Raspberry Chip from Graeter's
What is your favorite mealtime during the day? I guess dinner?
What is your personal motto? "If you want to get to the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain"
What do you want to do within the next week? Put up the Christmas tree at home
How much money do you have ON YOU right now? None, I got my debit card, I don't carry cash because then I spend it.
What do you long to do? I dunno... be happy, be successful
What are you looking for in life? Happiness
Do you like to party, or are you more low key? Mostly low key, but I party every once in awhile
How do you eat your Reeses? Sometimes I try to push the middle out and eat the rim first, but it doesn't usually work... lol
What's the last rumor you heard? That someone was gay. Dumb rumors.
Do you have a lucky number? I don't think so
Are you superstitious? Sometimes, not as much as I used to be
Have you ever been on TV, if so what channel? LOL yeah on like the community channel, but I forget what for... and on the news for span was I was in 5th grade
What came first the chicken or the egg? The chicken
Do you snore when you sleep? Not that I know of, and I have asked... lol
Do you talk in your sleep? Haha Jon and Caitlin say I do, and Mom said I have, but I don't know what I say!
Who is your best friend? Caitlin and Jon here, at home probably Ashley, and definitely Robyn and K.C.
Are you a good friend? I try, but I'm really bad with the phone, I never call people back.
Do you have good friends? Yes
Who do you go to for advice? My mom, Caitlin, Ashley
Do any of your friends go to you for advice? Sometimes
Who knows you the best? Probably Ashley, she's known me way to long not to, and K.C.
Who makes you laugh? Robyn, haha whenever we hang out, we just laugh for hours, I don't even know why!
Do you have deep dark secrets? Not really, I usually end up telling those within like 2 hours... well, actually, I have like one or two, but they aren't big deals, just things I don't want people to know
Who knows all your secrets? Umm... probably Mom... weird, I know.
Has a friend ever betrayed you? It happens
Who makes you feel the most secure about yourself? The most secure? I think Robyn... yeah, definitely Robyn. She's never outright judged me on anything, and always seems to be on my side about things, which means a lot.
What makes someone more attractive, looks or character? Hmm... mostly character, but looks don't hurt
Thing you like most about them? That I can tell him anything, that he makes me feel safe and secure, that he's fun and we can have a good time together, but also that I can just lay down and curl up with him and that's okay too
Thing you hate most about them? When he tells me my stories suck. LOL. And when he tells me to shut up.
Have you ever been in love? Yeah
Do you have a boy/girlfriend? Yes
Do you like having a boy/girlfriend? Yeah
Do you wish you always had one? Definitely not, I'm a big believer in that relationships are definitely good things if you're in a good one, but I would much rather be single than be in a bad relationship. And those do come along every once in awhile.
Have you ever had a crush on someone that liked you as a friend? Who hasn't?
Has there ever been someone that liked you, but you only liked as a friend? Yeah
What is the nicest thing someone of the opposite sex has done for you? I'm not sure...
What is the meanest thing they've done to you? Lied, yelled at me or accused me of things that I didn't deserve, etc
What is the meanest thing you've done to them? Probably yelled... I do that...
What's the best thing about not being in a relationship? Having someone there who supports you no matter what and being able to talk to them
Pre-marital sex? It happens
Do you ever want to get married? Depends on the situation. If I'm in love and ready for that kind of commitment, and they are too, then yes
When was the last time you kissed someone? Yesterday
Who has a more difficult time (guys or girls)? I started to say girls, but I'm sure guys have a rough time too, we put them through their fair share of difficulties.
Emotional or strong guys? Both
Hair-curly or straight? Either
Hair-long or short? On the shorter side
Favorite color: Yellow followed closely by purple
Favorite song: I don't really know.. right now I really love "Inside Your Heaven" by Carrie Underwood, and Christmas music. But I never really have one favorite song I stick with.
Favorite band: Hmm... right now, the Spill Canvas, but I'm sure it'll change in a week
Favorite book: Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (which I read way before the movie, just btw... lol), the Secret Life of Bees, Lovely Bones, etc
Favorite thing to do: Hang out with my friends
Favorite place to hang out: Anywhere... but Perkins at 1 am is definitely up there
Favorite actor/actress: Actress - Rachel McAdams and Jennifer Aniston / Actor - Denzel Washington and Chris Noth
Favorite day of the week: I don't know, probably Friday
Favorite website: Myspace, Facebook
Favorite Food: Skyline 3 ways, Chipotle burritos, my mom's chicken wellington
Food you hate: Meatloaf
Weirdest food you like: Hmm... I'm not really sure. Oh, I love hot buttery popcorn with melted m&m's... weird, but I used to eat those at the drive-in all the time
Favorite soda: Coke
Favorite gum: Orbit
Favorite Toothpaste: Crest Whitening Expressions Citrus
Favorite Magazine: Cosmopolitan
Favorite vacation spot: Florida, I guess, I don't really know
Last movie you saw: In theaters? I think Saw 2
Favorite Store: Old Navy
Favorite Season: Autumn