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Tonight was the Monty Python and The Quest for the Holy Grail Quote Along at the Drafthouse. Wow, try saying that three times fast. I was determined to go, but the only show I had a chance to go to was this evening. Kristin was thinking of coming along, but she's still recovering from the feverish lead in to Staple!, as well as the show and after party. Kristin is the only friend I have that holds this film in the same level of high regard that I do, and I admit that I was going to be sad if she didn't make it. But she did, and it was all good!
This was a total BLAST. Much,much more fun than the Army of Darkness quote along, mainly because Holy Grail is pretty much quotable gold from beginning to end (The Tale of Sir Galahad notwithstanding), where Army of Darkness devolves into grunts and screams halfway through. Jut getting to see the movie on the big screen would have been cool enough. Then, you add getting to act along with the movie, and it couldn't get much better. OR COULD IT?! Can you say "free empty halves of coconuts"? Ohhh, yes. Every time the knights were on "horseback", the theatre would erupt in the sound of coconut-assisted horsey goodness. IFC was there filming footage for a Monty Python documentary. They talked to Kristin, and just from where I was sitting, it looked like comic gold. Hope she's in the final cut, lol. Speaking of which, having Kristin there made the show that much better. The guy on my left was obviously just there at his girlfriend's behest, but Kristin was bringing the theatrics, complete with sound effects and music cues. It made my line speaking much stronger, and as a result, I had more fun than I would have all by my lonesome. All in all, a great evening. I'm just jazzed that I have the time to do stuff like this now.
Holy Grail quote along today. Video Games Live at the end of the month. A week later, Wrestlemania XXV. I am embracing my inner geek, and it feels...well, it feels swell.