Jul 07, 2004 13:43
I do commend the fact that journals are for peoples ranting, and raving, and maybe sometimes just making themselves feel good about something rather...."insert bad word" that they've done.
But I dont understand the whole I'm going to attack one person with my thesaurus of words and make them feel like shit so they will cry stance.
I'm not going to pin this on anyone because I, personally dont know the situation..and truthfully I do not care to know the situation.. a drama free life is what I'm striving for.
So all I have to say is...life is too short. It is. Dont waste your time putting other people down, feeling sorry for yourself (I've learned this the hard way) and just live your life.
What the fuck.
In other news, news that I prefer to share, I missed Sarahs pool party. -_- I set my alarm for 10:30 and it never went off..and I actually woke up at like 11. And I waited for my ride and it never came. *sad face* So I'm home...alone...and I tried to make Mary feel better...but I dont know if it worked...I doubt it. I kinda feel bad...I mean I dont hate her...of course I cant say anything beyond that cuz I dont have the right to talk for other people. But, I mean...I dont think she is a bad person...end of story. Thats all I'm going to say about that, because I do not want to fuel anything. I'm so bored. I really wanted to go to that damn party.
We're going to the drive in tonight to see Spiderman 2 and White Chicks. Woohooya! I was going to see if Celina or maybe Sarah or Natasha or Andy would care to come. No $$ would be necassary, my mumsie takes care of that.
Well if ya'll wanna go. Give me a call. 436-7834 or on my cell 1-413-230-0844...talk to ya'll later