Dec 28, 2003 13:12
last night was filled with both wonderment,and bad ass cartwheels.
thank all of you, thank yourselves, thank the lady on the on-ramp. did you know her?
It was christmas day, Josh and I were out for a lttle coffee excursion. We are waiting at the light on 40th and fruitvale. I see a woman walking on the on ramp.
"hey thats a wonderful christmas idea, lets go walk on the freeway." (I continue running my mouth for about another 30 secconds.) Just as the light turned green and we began to head towards the lady
she turned arroung with her "NEED FOOD" sign.
I was supposed to stop. I should have stopped. but I drove. out of embarrasment. out of a nessesity to block a horrible cliche afternoon situation from my mind.
So for now I live with this lady burnt in to my mind like a cigerette burn in a carpet. The smeel at first is almost unbearable, but even after its gone there still is and will always be a mark.
Perhaps for her she will always hate small red cars. because they dont stop in times of need or desperation. I'll stop next time mam. I promise.
awk-325 out of possible 420.
the awkward scale was develeped and is maintained by the loving family of the 509.