Oct 24, 2004 14:08
a friendship unreal
no matter how hard i try to be your friend
i dont know if its worth it in the end
because you've stabbed me in the back so many times
but still, i try not to hold a grugde
and act like nothing happen
but it kills me inside
that you dont give a fuck about me
all i wanted was to be accpected by you
but you wont wont ever accpected me
yuo look at me like im a mistake
and that i should be here
so i walked away
but still i cant seem to get away
from a friendship so unreal
so unreal that it hurts so much
all i wanna do is cry
but if i cry then you'll ask why
acting like you care but you really dont inside
because no one care
if you'd understand me that maybe
i'd tell youwhy i cry
but since u care buot u only
i doesnt matter
because our so called friendship
was a joke from the begining
this isnt a very good paom thing but w/e i tried it was how i was feeling about some of my so called friends