to ten million fireflies, i'm weird 'cause i hate goodbyes

Jul 17, 2009 18:08

Owl City's new album, Ocean Eyes is freaking amazing. I've only heard three of the songs in it (the album was only released to iTunes so far), but I'm already in love with all three. Fireflies was my immediate favorite, and then Hot Air Balloon caught my eye. Or should I say ear? Finally, Strawberry Avalanche got itself stuck in my head, after I'd denounced it as the worst of the bunch. I'm glad that Adam Young decided to make his music faster and more upbeat.
Anyway, I feel like I've been neglecting this baby :(. Really, I haven't been-I sign on multiple times per day, dropping comments here and there. I don't know why I haven't posted, though. Probably just from sheer laziness.
I got an A on my History midterm! This means that there is hope in the world. The dialogue in Theatre that we thought we'd aced got us an 89 (a scene from The Lion in Winter), and I'm definitely not as optimistic about the monologues we were forced to do yesterday (I did Mrs. Malaprop from The Rivals). The good thing is we actually do do very well on the acting exercises he gives us (5/5 on each one)! in any case, it's a good thing we elected to take this class P/NP because I'd probably be freaking out more about this than History. The next assignment we have is, I believe, another dialogue-i'm assuming we're supposed to improve. I'm partial to the fight in Taming of the Shrew, if only because our teacher seems to enjoy raised voices and "not holding back," as he puts it.
We just received news that my mom is going to have to stay in China for an extra half-month. Apparently, my dad took this as an opportunity to drag me back with him for the half-month between PCC and USC. i guess I should be excited that I'm going on a "vacation," or a "trip" somewhere, or at least to be visiitng my relatives, but all I feel is a profound loss. Loss of this last, great, glorious summer in which I'd elected to take classes and hoped to spend my last two class-free weeks in sheer abandonment of duty. As my dad reminded me, this is probably the last summer I won't be taking USC summer classes, or working at an internship, or doing research for something or another, or (my personal favorite) going abroad to serve the community, so it might be the last time I see my relatives before medical school. The thing is, the same can be said about most of my friends in Temple City.
And I'm going to end on that very cheery note.

i got misty-eyed as they said farewell.

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