Jul 01, 2009 19:32
Hm, I was reminded by Kevin to post again. Oops, I've slacked off-I was supposed to post after Orientation about my classes and Orientation. Long story short-I'm now only taking two classes at PCC, History 1A (Western Civilizations) and Theatre Arts 2A (Acting Fundamentals). The history professor is actually pretty amazing-ratemyprofessors.com only confirms my belief. He's an amazing speaker (I think all professors should have this aspect), and makes his lectures hilarious and engaging. It's unfortunate that he lectures on about 1/10 of the material that the book covers, because for the first time in 2/3 years, I picked up the textbook and studied it for 2 hours last night. I got a B+ on the test (22/25), I think. I was pretty pleased, actually, because most of my classmates started reading the book last week and I wasn't expecting such a high score. Then the fact that I was one question away from an A- made me sad, but hey-this only means that I'm starting to emerge from the senioritis that has been plaguing me for years.
My theatre professor is about 200 years old. Obvious exaggeration. But he can't open the door by himself, we can barely understand him when he talks, and he always yells at us to speak up even with his hearing aid. In any case, the class is actually pretty fun. We did an improv game? exercise? today, and he's actually challenging us with different acting exercises. We have to memorize a dialogue from a list of famous play scenes for next Tuesday with a partner, and perform it. The kids in my class are cool too. They include an Asian boy, recently graduated from Beverly Hills High who dances; a Caucasian girl who just graduated from San Marino High and was apparently invoved in all their musicals and vocal groups; an Asian dude who graduated from Arcadia High; a Bio major from Cal State Fullerton (I believe); and...many, many more.
USC Orientation was eventful. It was basically a repeat of the ExploreUSC session that Nicole and I went to. After taking the walking tour again, I was really bored-but I still felt at home on campus, which I think was the most important factor in my decision (behind financial reasons). Sorry to all the Bruins out there, but I personally didn't feel that UCLA was inclusive when I visited. I guess it's stupid to base my perception of a college on one visit, but..there you go.
Taking a more serious tone, my mom is going to China for almost the entirety of July. She's getting surgery there-because the doctor over here basically refused her service because he's going on vacation. The surgery is for her lung, in which a lump (implied here that it's cancerous) was found. She also has..something in her brain, but I think it's a benign tumor. I'm not too clear on the details. It's not clear if this tumor was metastasized from the breast cancer she had 6 years ago, or if it's a new tumor. I feel strangely calm about all of this; maybe I'm just used to what I'd felt in 6th grade.
I've been taking 2-3 hour naps per day, after I get home from PCC. They're very refreshing, and make the 6:30AM wakeup call that much more bearable.
'cause the angels will just keep on multiplying.