Procrastinating on doing inserts. I used to actually enjoy doing them, but I'm just so disgustingly lazy and senior-ish that I'm even procrastinating doing them this year. Step 1 is telling people that I don't want to take it home because I'll just type it and give it to them. I will finish them before the end of summer, I know that. If nothing else, I'll email it and hand-deliver them to everybody. I'm very sorry if you are one of those people I've told this to. I'm in the middle of Joyce's; so Joyce, you will definitely be receiving yours before graduation.
Divisional banquet tomorrow. I'm actually kind of excited, if only because it means I'll see someone special there. I only wish more people from TC were going, but I guess it's too much to ask people to pay 25$ for a dinner and dance at the Pasadena Hilton. Ridiculous. It's pretty embarrassing when we go to Key Club events and we have the smallest member turnout because everybody from our school is so cheap and everybody else, even those who live in relatively poorer cities than we do, can muster up the money. (Not just banquet, either; it's more like fundraisers for causes that get me angry).
So my schedule for next year is pretty much cemented, if I can get into the Contemporary Moral&Social Issues class. As Jen said, that would mean I have 3 classes back-to-back, but that's okay because I think I'm going to take this GE Pass/Fail. That way, I won't really have to worry as much about getting an A in that class and my first semester will be more chill. Then again, I wanted to take Category II, Global Cultures and Traditions, Pass/Fail because all of the classes look, frankly, extremely unappealing. (I wonder if I'll even be able to walk from class to class with only 10 minutes in between. Then again, I chose USC in part because of its small, home-y campus, so I should be okay.) Hm, another war between practicality (taking a load off first semester) and convenience (my hating learning about other cultures). In my preliminary schedule, I've set up a Step Aerobics class :D I know that I won't get any exercise done unless I'm forced to. Sadly, this means that I can't take a guitar course like I wanted to-but I figure that I can just sign up for tutoring at the music center. I don't need to get units for learning that! I'm pretty sure that I'll be more faithful to guitar tutoring than, say, physical training.
6:00 7:00 8:00 PHED-131 Lec
49763 PED210 BISC-121Lg Lab
13190 ZHS369 PHED-131 Lec
49763 PED210 9:00 CHEM-115ALg Lec-Dis
17255 SGM101 CHEM-115ALg Lec-Dis
17255 SGM101 CHEM-115ALg Lab
17262 SGM216 CHEM-115ALg Lec-Dis
17255 SGM101 10:00 PHIL-140g Dis
49319 MHP102 11:00 12:00 WRIT-140 Lec
64465 GFS229 WRIT-140 Lec
64465 GFS229 WRIT-140 Lec
64465 GFS229 1:00 BISC-121Lg Lec
13006 ZHS352 BISC-121Lg Lec
13006 ZHS352 BISC-121Lg Lec
13006 ZHS352 2:00 PHIL-140g Lec
49314 THH201 PHIL-140g Lec
49314 THH201 3:00 CHEM-115ALg Quiz
17257 SGM101 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 WRIT-140 Lab
66998 BOV AUD 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 Is that beautiful or what.
look at that, look at how they lookin' at me