I allowed myself to mope for the duration of a shower, and now I'm trying to look at it this way: 2010 has been fun, but it's not our year. After the success my two favorite teams had in 2009, it would be greedy to expect another championship this year.
So I got out of the shower and put this shirt back on.
Maybe the saddest part of all this? I bought myself a Monkey Wrench for dinner and could only eat half of it (over the course of like 3.5 hours!) because I was so tense over the game. Finally just threw the rest away. That's, like, a $7 sandwich, people! Painful for someone who loves both her food and her frugality the way I do.
I bookmarked a bunch of "Mellon Memories" links from back during the end of the regular season. I wanted to post them but thought it seemed silly because there were still more games to be played at the Igloo... But now that there will NOT be any more games played there EVER, and I seriously can't wrap my brain around that yet, maybe I'll dig them up and post over the weekend, or something. That awesome place deserves a nice send-off.