Did I ever link to PJ's
bio page for work? I was really touched that he mentions Andy and me. Though I would never describe myself as a "Carnegie native." Jeez, Peeje.
My mom was here this weekend, which was great. Except for the moment shortly before she left where I had a bit of an emotional breakdown and cried on a bench in the middle of Copley Square. (Embarrassing.) And since then, I have cried several times over stupid things or nothing. Including when I was just having a little Beatles marathon while I read the internets, and Paul singing along with the bass line in "I Will" made me cry again.
But seriously, have you ever noticed that? It's one of the
sweetest, most wonderful things I've ever heard.
What is wrong with me? I guess because I don't get upset too often, I broke the dam and needed to get it out before I bottle it up again. I don't know.
I don't even know what I'm crying about.