1. I forgot about this from the other day. I was riding up one of the big escalators at Porter Square, and a girl started running up the down escalator. Now, when I say big, I mean
big. I'm always impressed with the people who even walk up the up side, because I tend to just pull out my book. (ha) So it was impressive that this girl was going up the down side. Anyway, everyone on the up side seemed to be sort of secretly watching her out of the corners of our eyes, and then when she started losing steam maybe two-thirds of the way up, a couple people started encouraging her. "Don't slow down now!" "You're almost there!" "Don't give up!" People reaching the top stopped to wait and watch. When she finally made it up, everyone cheered.
Bostonians are famous for not talking to strangers, so it was really neat to see this moment of everyone coming together to cheer for this girl. I still think she was kind of crazy.
2. Speaking of the T and forgetting things the other day, it didn't occur to me until after I wrote
this post that between driving by Carnegie Mellon and then unexpectedly watching a movie that took place there, I met a kid on the T who had just graduated from CMU! How could I forget to add that part!? It was unusual not just to meet another displaced Pittsburgher, but to actually talk to anyone on the T at all because, like I said above, we don't talk to strangers. But we were sitting next to each other and somehow struck up a conversation about our respective books. He wrote down "Spook by Mary Roach," which I'm reading, but he was reading a 1200-page book that's one of a 15-or-something-part series, so I don't think I'll be starting that any time soon.
3. I saw a guy yesterday wearing wood-grain pants. Like, fake wood paneling printed on cloth. ?????????????????????????????????
4. The other day, on 2/11, I decided to look in my iTunes and see if I had any live songs labeled from that day in history. I don't remember what made me do this, but I did find several. And I noticed that a couple of them were listed as last played on 2/11/08. Which means either that was a crazy coincidence that I didn't notice at the time, or I HAD THIS SAME EXACT IDEA EXACTLY ONE YEAR AGO. What is it about February 11th that would make me think of that multiple times? (Just looked up 2/13 songs, and I have 10. None of them show a last-play of 2/13 in any year.)
5. There are many hilarious things about
this, but my favorite is that it's dry-clean only.
And now some obligatory Penguins things.
6. Have we talked about how pretty Bill Thomas is?
I don't know, there are lots of handsome hockey players, but something about Billy is just pretty. He is like the hockey Rhett Miller. He's also the only current Penguin who's actually from Pittsburgh, and that
sweet Pittsburgh accent makes me love him more.
7. This seriously cracked me up last night:
It would have been better if they put him in a BU shirt, for our shared alma mater. The original post is
here, though I don't think that will help you make any sense of the image. Just enjoy it.
8. But this one was really the highlight of my day:
I think the real point of the photo was Max and Staal wearing their helmets backwards as rally caps (which is adorable), but then the PuckHuffers pointed out Cooke and Kennedy's faces (far left) and said "BFFs. Pony sighting on the jumbotron?" and I just lost it. I kept looking at it over and over and laughing. Out loud. Alone in my office.
Clearly, I've gone crazy again.