What ifI only know Nathan through his mom's blog, but he seems like a really cool kid. :)
Celebrity FugloweenYou may be tempted to just scroll through the pictures, but the text is worth reading.
Paul Rudd Isn't Sure Why He Did That Eva Longoria Movie EitherI haven't even seen that movie, but I love Paul Rudd for this interview.
10.31.2008: BostonDavid Byrne was right in my neighborhood, and I missed him! What bad timing... I walked by the Harvard Museum a couple times the very next day, and if I had spotted him on his bike, I would have invited him to have a sandwich with me at Oxford Spa. I'm obsessed with their "Oh Mitt" sandwich, which is delicious but way too expensive. But I digress. (Actually, I probably would have gawked and run back here to LJ to tell everyone, but not actually invited him anywhere, because I am a wimp.)
I refuse to give my real name at StarbucksNone of the Starbucks in my neighborhood seem to do the name thing. But I like how this barista grew attached to the game.
Street With a ViewMore awesome Pittsburghers.
exciting new career optionsI enjoy most of Molly's videos, but this is definitely a recent favorite.