I just discovered that you can
watch The General online. Of course, I highly recommend watching it in a bigger format, renting it or even watching it on the big screen if you can find it. But if you're one of those people reluctant about silent film, maybe getting it free will make you give it a chance. ;) Buster is so fantastic.
I had the worst laundry trip today.* I don't know what was wrong with me, but I put the load in the machine, added the detergent, and just walked away. When I came back and it should have been finished, the clothes were still dry (of course, I had been sitting over in a chair where I couldn't see the machine to notice that it wasn't spinning). So after that waste of time, I started the machine and then saw that something was caught in the door. But of course, you can't open a machine until it's done....so my favorite hoodie got all twisted and the zipper was ripped off. UGH. Aside from the fact that it's my favorite, I was going to take it on the cruise because it's plain black so it'll match mostly anything. This is the problem with my weird in-between stance on fashion (or, really, "fashion"). See, I don't care enough about how I look to want to pick out, like, outfits. But I don't want to look like I don't care. I want it to at least seem like I'm clean and my clothes match. This is why I wear jeans almost every day - whatever shirt I grab is going to look fine and I don't have to think about it. Same with the black hoodie. I will miss it.
So what do I do? Pick out which shirts I'm bringing and then say, "Okay, this blue hoodie will go with these two, this green sweater matches this one, this yellow hoodie with this one..."? [I have a feeling this is what normal girls do.] Pick one hoodie or sweater and then pack only shirts that will match it? Just grab a bunch of shirts and one hoodie or sweater, whether they match or not? [This is most likely.]
I realize the solution would be to go buy a new black hoodie, but I refuse to shop, so I'm not going to any more trouble than maybe looking for a cheap one at Burlington (classy!) when I go to the grocery store tomorrow.
I can't believe I just typed three paragraphs about this. But now you have some insight into how my brain immediately flips through multiple options for every situation. I could have avoided it all if I wasn't so dumb at the laundromat.
Edit: *Wait, no, I should point out that this was NOT the worst time I've ever had at the laundromat, because that distinction definitely goes to the time my mom called to tell me Mema died and then I sat outside and cried until my clothes were dry and I could go home. Not to be a downer or anything.