A Guy Thing had been in my Netflix queue for at least a couple years, and I didn't really know why. I mean, I think Jason Lee's amusing, but this movie looked bad enough that even he couldn't redeem it. (And that's right, he couldn't.)
But because there's always a reason I add something on Netflix, I decided not to delete it and to watch and see if I could figure out why. Well, I did - there are two BK songs in it, and I must have added it back when we were still working with him and when it was still new and fun for him to be featured in movies and things.
ANYWAY, yeah, I thought the movie sucked. But the whole reason I'm posting about it is this:
David Koechner played Jason's stepfather, and
Larry Miller played his neighbor, and for at least the first third of the movie, I thought they were the same guy. I couldn't figure out if he lived across the hall from his stepfather? Or if he hired his neighbor to pretend to be his stepfather and meet his future in-laws, and I missed that scene? It was SO confusing. And then I realized, I have definitely seen both of these guys in other movies and TV shows, and I'm pretty sure I've always thought it was the same guy in all of them.
Why do you think they cast two guys who look so similar? Or am I the only one who thinks so?