I had saved these two excerpts from
the Cary Grant biography in an email draft but never posted them. I guess today is as good a day as any to post them, considering that Thursday would have been Cary's 103rd birthday. I brought some work home to do this weekend, which I usually like to do while I watch a movie, but I watched movies Thursday and last night, and then the disc that arrived today was cracked, so I have no Netflix options for the weekend. Which means I'll dip into my personal collection - and in honor of the recent birthday, I think I'll choose one of my 18-or-so Cary Grant DVDs. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
No one ever looked better, had a greater face or deeper soul, than the cinematic miracle that was Cary Grant. And the real magic of movies and actors was how they showed you both. - Marc Eliot
There is something embarrassing about all these wealthy people publicly congratulating each other. When it all began, we kidded ourselves and said, 'All right, Freddie March, we know you're making a million dollars. Now come up and get your little medal [for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde] for it.' - Cary Grant on the Oscars
Of course, that second quotation has to be taken with a grain of salt - Cary had a long-standing bitterness towards the Academy, who snubbed him for more than thirty years over their own bitterness that he was the first actor to be successful outside the studio contract system.
Okay, maybe time for Bringing Up Baby.