Eridan: Engage in the Fourth Wall.

Nov 19, 2011 17:22

okay lets get this one thing straight neww landlickers
i am king of the lake
it is me
so that means hands off the lake
i havve befriended the deadly creature wwho dwwells in the bottom murky depths
and he is hostile as am i!!
wwe wwill use force to removve you at once if wwe must


fourth wall

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meowgeneticist November 19 2011, 22:38:14 UTC
Thank you for the assistance in planning out which areas I should avoid in order to keep my person free of any unwanted and tiresome conversations. It's incredibly thoughtful and I'll be certain to mail you an appropriately elaborate thank you card once I get my hands on some postage.


lonelyglub November 19 2011, 22:40:39 UTC
no youre supposed to be scared of the lake you ass
wwhere are you goin to get your wwater from?
cause there are wwhales the size of planets livvin there


meowgeneticist November 19 2011, 23:03:56 UTC
I've never harbored an irrational phobia of large bodies of water, nor do I intend to being now. As for my personal water supply, it's very kind of you to worry after my hydration but I can assure you that bottled water works as well as unfiltered lack glop.


lonelyglub November 19 2011, 23:08:44 UTC
good luck
there arent any bottles of wwaters for miles around


meowgeneticist November 19 2011, 23:11:19 UTC
There's certainly enough in my sylladex to keep me tided over until this mess gets sorted out.


lonelyglub November 19 2011, 23:13:16 UTC
youre stuck here for eternity
good luck!


meowgeneticist November 19 2011, 23:14:14 UTC
Your hyperbole is appreciated, but I have no intentions of rotting here simply to fulfill your asinine accusations. Feel free to stay and force your own prophecy to come to pass in regards to yourself, however.


poetry match lonelyglub November 19 2011, 23:22:40 UTC
i wwill personally come find you and cull you
you disgust and yet intrigue me
if this wwere troll poetry i wwould wwrite you a haiku of the lowwest form
here be the wwench
blood equal to thine
wwishin to cull her

also fuck poetry and its syllables


it's on now meowgeneticist November 19 2011, 23:31:01 UTC
Syllables are hard
To count when brains are lacking.
It's hardly your fault.

As to your small threat
Find me if you truly wish.
You are no challenge.

There. Haikus are hardly a difficult art form to master.


fuck poetry i hate it lonelyglub November 19 2011, 23:36:48 UTC
then here is an epic describin your hoofbeast shit

i wwither upon a forsaken human
deadpan as they wwere they wwere rude as fuck
and quite easily hateable
wwoe and behold they had destroyed the entity that wwas my poor husktop
wweep thy husktop wweep for your soul is not forgotten
but nay nevver had one so great
lost somethin in the blink of the eye
vvengence wwas promised that day

and here unto this day they livve
thinkin they are holier than thou
yet their dowwnfall provves to be around the corner
of humans ignorantly ignoramus personas
that they don upon themselvves at the so called birth
nevver to be removved again unto death

wwhich wwas rightfully brought upon the mighty fist of orphaner dualscar
huamn exterminator
as he wwiped out humans like a bug upon a wwindshield
swwish swwish wwent the human named rose
wwho is a bug
on a wwindshield
swwish swwish


poetry's fun, but hard to write meowgeneticist November 19 2011, 23:41:08 UTC
I give that little offering a 3/10 purely for the effort you must have expended pounding your fingers relentlessly against the keyboard until something resembling words flew out onto the screen.

I suppose that actual vocabulary is a step up for you, isn't it? Perhaps next time we can try and take a baby step towards, god forbid, coherency.


yes lonelyglub November 20 2011, 00:06:06 UTC


meowgeneticist November 20 2011, 00:07:06 UTC
The realm of literature is no place for a sensitive soul. I suggest you grow a thicker skin before submitting anything fresh to the hypercritical public eye.


lonelyglub November 20 2011, 00:15:48 UTC
and i suggest you fall off a cliff and hopefully into a pit of death

since humans bury their dead
your death stone wwould read
here lies rose
she left a small crater


meowgeneticist November 20 2011, 05:20:44 UTC
Would you take the time to carve me a monument as well as handcraft such a fitting epitaph? I'm absolutely touched.


lonelyglub November 21 2011, 01:08:02 UTC


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