Mar 10, 2006 12:15
i don't feel very good. My stomach is upset and i just want it to stop. There is something wrong, and i can't put my finger on it and it's bothering the shit out of me. I just hope this is all in my mind and i'm just being paranoid, even though i don't think i am. I just need some kind of support system that i don't have. I'm always too busy worrying about everyone else that no one ever worries about me. Or they just don't care, which would be pretty shitty. I'm fucking sick of it. And it always makes me laugh when people wonder why I don't come around or don't really care what they are saying. Same old shit over and over again doesn't mean anything to me because no one is trying to stop it. While you are reading this, why don't you ask yourself when the last time you actually asked me how i am doing. I bet you won't remember because it's been awhile. I'm sick of feeling like everyone else's problems matter and mine don't. And i've realized i let people walk all over me, and i'm sick of it. I'm not doing favors anymore, i'm not listening anymore, i'm not even going to act like a friend anymore. But don't get mad, because all i'm doing is what you all have been doing for quite some time. So don't be shocked at the rudeness and think to yourself that i'm being irrational and i'm coming out of nowhere. The reason you think that is because you all are so self involved that you haven't even stopped for one second to think of anyone else. So soak up my new attitude because you all made me this way. You wanted your cake, now eat it.